When Jesus spoke in Matthew 24:24, He gave us a clear warning about deception:
“False messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.”
The Message version puts it bluntly:
“Imposters with impressive credentials and bewitching performances will pull the wool over the eyes of even those who ought to know better. But I’ve given you fair warning.”
This caution isn’t just for spiritual matters—it applies to every area of life, including the choices we make about our health and I’m thrilled to talk to you about staying discerning in your health journey.
You see, many alternatives and trends have popped up in the wellness space. While some are genuinely helpful, many are traps designed to deceive, even those of us who should know better. As children of God, we must be alert, especially in how we treat our bodies—God’s temple and the vehicle for our assignments on earth.
In this blog, I’ll highlight two key things to watch out for when striving for a healthy lifestyle. These insights will help you make choices that honor your body, your calling, and your Creator.

1. The Label Trap
Manufacturers and advertisers are getting clever—crafting labels that scream “healthy” but hide the truth in fine print. Terms like “low-carb,” “sugar-free,” or “organic” sound promising, but they’re often misleading. For example, a product might say 350 calories, but if you look closer, it’s per serving—and the pack contains six servings!

Here’s the catch:
When one ingredient is reduced, another is often added to compensate. “Sugar-free” might mean artificial sweeteners, which can be worse than sugar. And “preservative-free”? Think again. If it’s mass-produced and lasts for months, it’s likely compromised.
Real food isn’t meant to last long. To avoid falling for these traps, focus on eating freshly prepared meals or buying from trusted sources. Remember, your health journey isn’t about shortcuts—it’s about diligence.
2. The Weight Loss Shortcut
The rise of weight loss drugs and supplements is alarming. They promise quick fixes, endorsed by celebrities and influencers. But here’s the truth:

- They’re harmful. Many of these products damage your body, targeting vital organs like the liver and kidneys.
- They don’t replace discipline. Even with these drugs, you’ll still need to exercise self-control, eat clean, and stay active.
As I often say, “The cure for indiscipline is not a pill; the cure for indiscipline is discipline.” Sustainable health comes from making lifestyle changes, not relying on temporary fixes. Taking these shortcuts may offer short-term results, but they’re not the long-term solution you need.
Living a healthy life as a child of God requires intentionality. It’s not easy—it will cost you time, effort, and discipline. But the reward? A body that honors God and enables you to fulfill your divine purpose.
To dive deeper into these truths and learn practical steps to stay discerning on your wellness journey, watch the full video.
Let’s journey together toward making choices that glorify God and preserve our health. Remember, your body is a temple, and it deserves the best care. See you on the channel!