Hey Fam,
Gosh this post will give you REAL CHILLS by the time you are done.
I have had THREE amazing testimonies in a couple days from Halak Palal that I had to do a WHOLE POST to share, with permission.
And that is besides all the many more testimonies we get, including those we have shared in these two posts below
#JesusGirls share their Halak-Palal experience
Burning Calories, Burning Hearts: #JesusGirls share their #HalakPalal Experiences
And if you don’t know what HALAK PALAL is about, check this link for details
Halak Palal, the BIGGEST VIRTUAL Fitness & Prayer walk
Ok on to the testimonies. The first one is from my sister and one of God’s WARRING Queens… Let us call her D.0
Hi Coach E’,
I had to send it in because, every time I try to just let it pass, I get a nudge that I should share it.
So, I have been meaning to join Halak Palal but, I just have not been able to because, I am weary of leaving my kids alone in the house. I didn’t want a situation where they will wake up before I get back and start crying cos, they cannot see me.
So, last Sunday it was really impressed upon my heart to join and while I was praying on Saturday and asking the Holy Spirit to help me, I got an idea to just walk around the compound throughout the prayer (the goal is to walk and pray).
Sunday morning, I got up and joined in, walking around the house, saying my prayers I had prepared and trying as much as possible to not disturb my neighbor. After about 30mins of walking around the house, I was led to walk round my car. I don’t know the number of times I went round the car but, the word that kept dropping in my heart was; He will give His angels charge over me, they will bear me up in their hands so, I will not dash my foot against a stone.
Monday on my way from work, THE BRAKES OF MY CAR FAILED! It just went flat! Thankfully, I was in a slowly moving traffic when it happened. I was able to successfully park the car without a scratch. No one suspected anything. Even the mechanic was shocked that, I managed to handle the car when he came to assess the car. All I could say was; God is good and always rewards our obedience!
I was still basking in the thanksgiving mode when my neighbor came to see me that; he has been trying to see me since Sunday without luck that; on Sunday, he dreamt of a wind sweeping around the house and tidying it up that, as soon as he opened his eyes and wondering what the dream meant, he heard me praying and saw me pass his window so, he understood the dream. So, he thought to share with me to please continue my prayer walk cos, he hadn’t felt that kind of peace before. I was just like; Haaay God! Is this what I have been missing all this while?
God bless you so much for yielding to Halak Palal.
Gosh, This our God. Kai. Imagine if instead she just slept in bed all morning, like SOME OF YOU WHO SHOULD JOIN US, do.
WOW!!! Praise God, HALLELUJAH!!!
Testimony 2… Mrs. B.
So I regularly join Halak Palal, and on this Sunday morning, August 2, part of what I was going to pray about was our family finances. The moment I started to pray, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me not to bother praying, instead He corrected me on a mistake I had been making, and gave me one simple instruction
One can chase a thousand, two can chase 10,000
He had shown me that my husband and I were not united in our finances and until we do, I would not see the breakthrough I was praying for.
I came home, told my husband and we got some scripture and prayed over it. We then decided to obey the Holy Spirit and be 100% ACCOUNTABLE, taking steps to ensure that it happened. BEFORE the end of the month, we had crossed the SEVE FIGURE TARGET we had been believing for, and not only could we cross it, AFTER the regular domestic expenses, we had SEVEN FIGURES too to add to our joint account as savings.
I could NOT believe it. A target we had believed for, for a long time, and ONE SIMPLE INSTRUCTION, our obedience and BOOM, a major shift, which of course unlocks a new level for us
I recall CoachE’ had shared one time that Angels whisper to a man when He walks, and truly, I thank God that I was sensitive to His whispers on my walk that day.
Personally, so long as Halak Palal is on, I will always be there by God’s grace, even it rains. Let me now start to believe in Dollars for this month’s Halak Palal
This testimony feels so personal. I am SUPER thankful for a God that is so mindful of us, and whispers to us, and of course, obedience is so key.
And the final one from Mrs. E
So, this may look like a small testimony, but it is in these small things that God shows us again and again that He is interested in EVERYTHING, from big to small.
On the last Halak Palal, Sunday August 30, I was EXHAUSTED. I had done my monthly shopping and was in the kitchen till well past midnight, after spending all day shopping. I wasn’t going to miss it anyways, so 6.30am, I was on the road walking and praying.
That night, my help had upset me, and really I had set her straight. Funny how just that day, my friends and I in our whatsapp group were thanking God for our domestic help, only for her to come with drama that night. Instantly, the HS highlighted to me that it was satan trying to STEAL, so I quickly told my friends that early morning and said I would pray about it at Halak Palal.
I did.
I came home and entered the kitchen to do regular mommy and wife business, when my help suddenly apologizes, and not just a random I AM SORRY, but a full-on penitent, ‘Aunty please I am sorry, I promise I will not do that again…’

In fact, I interrupted her at some point with an ‘It is OK’ and she started again the whole process till the end, and I could see that this had to be the fruit of my prayers a few minutes ago as I prayed.
AND yes, if you cannot already tell, that testimony is from meeeeeee haha.
Mrs. E for real lol
Gosh, I just absolutely LOVE Halak Palal. Our numbers are FAR FROM THE 100s God has shown me, but the TESTIMONIES are huge. And the interesting thing is that the same morning, I prayed that God will give us testimonies from our prayers when we walk, that we will KNOW that indeed, this testimony is connected to Halak Palal, so reading the other two testimonies above are just PROOF that God WALKS WITH US when we WALK and PRAY
I hope you join us especially if you KNOW you should be here but SLEEP, LAZINESS and SATAN have been stopping you. What a beautiful way to start your week… Exercising both your physical body and your spirit man. And above all, you get to HEAR from God too.
This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked (halak-ed) faithfully with God
Genesis 6:9 NIV
And Enoch walked (halak-ed) with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters..
Genesis 5: 22 KJV
Use this link to join the MUTE Whatsapp group where we will be sharing the link henceforth and every other detail.
Also you can join our #JesusGirlsFitness Mailing list here
#JesusGirlsFitness Mailing List
If a mom, join our God’s Domestic Queens List
Can’t wait for our NEXT EXPERIENCE
Halak Palal is truly the BIGGEST fitness WALK&PRAY experience EVER!!!!