Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 Clean ISO Torrent
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 Clean ISO Torrent | ![]() |
16 Seeds 18 Peers
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Bereinigen Sie Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x64 ISO
Windows 10 Enterprise baut auf Windows 10 Pro auf und fügt Premium-Funktionen hinzu
Entwickelt mit Blick auf die Bedürfnisse großer und mittlerer Unternehmen
(einschließlich großer akademischer Einrichtungen) wie erweiterter Schutz
Schutz vor modernen Sicherheitsbedrohungen, volle Flexibilität bei der Betriebssystembereitstellung
Upgrade-Optionen und Support; sowie ein komplettes Gerät und
Anwendungsmanagement und -kontrolle
Dateiname: Sprache: Englisch
SHA1: 30AD1CDF5D0670F12788005131E24862F6AB8AAB
HINWEIS: Dies ist eine saubere ISO ohne Mods. Es gibt keinen Aktivator in Torrent. Sie können den Aktivator hier herunterladen
Microsoft Windows 10 Home und Pro x86 ISO löschen
Hinweis: Diese Setup-Datei enthält Windows 10 Professional i
Startseite Windows 10. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Produktschlüssel, um festzustellen, welche
Die Produkte sind im Abonnement enthalten
Windows 10 Pro
Windows 10 Pro ist für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen konzipiert.
Unternehmen können Geräte und Anwendungen verwalten und Geschäftsdaten schützen
Ermöglichen Sie Remote- und Mobilszenarien sowie die Nutzung der Cloud
Technologie für ihre Organisationen. Neben klein und mittel
Für Unternehmen eignen sich Windows 10 Pro-Geräte gut
Unterstützung von CYOD-Programmen
Startseite Windows 10
Windows 10 Home ist die ultimative Windows 10-Umgebung für den Alltagsnutzer.
Es bietet ein vertrautes und personalisiertes Erlebnis kombiniert mit neuen Innovationen.
Dinge tun und mehr genießen. Zu den neuen Funktionen gehören: Ein neues Netzwerk
ein Browser, der für Online-Aktivitäten entwickelt wurde; Windows Hello, dessen Anbieter Benutzer a
herzlicher Empfang und bequemer Check-in*; und tolle neue Multitasking-Funktionen
einschließlich der Anpassung mehrerer Anwendungen an den Bildschirm und der Erstellung virtueller Desktops
für mehr Platz
Dateiname: Sprache: Englisch
HINWEIS: Dies ist eine saubere ISO ohne Mods. Es gibt keinen Aktivator in Torrent. Sie können den Aktivator hier herunterladen
Windows 11 X64 22H2 22621.1105 Pro incl Office 2021 en-US LATEST 2023
Windows 11 X64 22H2 22621.1105 Pro incl Office 2021 en-US LATEST 2023 | ![]() |
34 Seeds 43 Peers
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Intégré/préinstallé :
*Office LTSC 2021 ProPlus 64 bits
* Pile de services :
* Mise à jour cumulative :
*Cadre .NET
* Mise à jour cumulative pour
* .NET Framework et :
* Windows 11 Pro
*Office 2021 ProPlus
* Mouvement : KMS_VL_ALL
* UEFI prêt
* (Utilisez l’outil USB Rufus joint pour le faire démarrer sur UEFI)
* Boîte à outils de diagnostic et de récupération (uniquement)
* compressé au format de récupération ().
Il s’agit de la dernière version de la version du système d’exploitation Windows, avec une nouvelle interface et d’autres nouvelles fonctionnalités telles que le nouveau Microsoft Store, un nouveau canal personnalisé alimenté par l’IA et les meilleures performances du navigateur Microsoft Edge, le chat Microsoft Teams intégré dans la barre des tâches et plus.
Quoi de neuf dans Windows 11 :
– Windows 11 recevra un tout nouveau design. Microsoft avait clairement besoin d’une bonne raison pour revenir sur ses revendications précédentes et laisser Windows 10 avec l’introduction d’un nouveau numéro de système d’exploitation. Et le tout nouveau design est idéal pour cela. Le géant de Redmond prépare depuis longtemps une refonte des mises à jour sous le nom de code Sun Valley (“Sun Valley”); apparemment, sous cette appellation se trouve Windows 11. Le projet Sun Valley est apparu sur le web depuis longtemps. – Microsoft révèle régulièrement les détails du nouveau style d’interface, les experts partagent des informations jusque-là inconnues et les concepteurs populaires dessinent des concepts réalistes basés sur toutes ces données.
– Les éléments de démarrage et système flotteront au-dessus de la barre inférieure. Start est la carte de visite et le visage de toutes les versions récentes de Windows. Sans surprise, dans Windows 11, les développeurs le modifieront à nouveau, mais cela ne fonctionnera pas visuellement : la fenêtre de démarrage planera au-dessus de la barre inférieure. Nous devons admettre que ce petit changement rend le système plus cool. D’après les informations du réseau, Microsoft ne changera pas radicalement “l’intérieur” de ce menu : les innovations n’affecteront que le design de la fenêtre elle-même. Le panneau de contrôle flottera également et la disposition sera la même que “Accueil”. Le centre d’action sera combiné avec des boutons de contrôle partagés ; des systèmes similaires sont utilisés depuis longtemps dans plusieurs autres systèmes d’exploitation. Presque toute mention de ce nouveau menu suggère qu’il s’agira d’une île : les boutons de contrôle seront dans un panneau séparé, les notifications seront dans un autre et certains éléments (comme les joueurs) dans un autre panneau séparé.
– Les angles droits disparaîtront, remplacés par des congés. En fait, les experts et les concepteurs de concepts ne sont pas d’accord sur cette question : certains sont sûrs que Microsoft ne changera pas ses traditions et défendront le bon point de vue, tandis que d’autres sont sûrs qu’en 2021, Microsoft suivra le mode filet. Ce dernier correspond mieux à la définition de “une toute nouvelle fenêtre” : un menu déroulant ne suffit pas pour qu’un nouveau design soit considéré comme tout nouveau. Les fichiers devraient affecter la quasi-totalité du système, des menus contextuels et des panneaux système à toutes les fenêtres d’application. Il est vrai que même sur ce sujet, les avis des concepteurs divergent : certains dessinent des congés sur tous les éléments d’interface possibles, d’autresils les combinent à angle droit.
– Il aura un fond transparent avec un flou partout. Il a un désaccord sur le Web sur les styles de fenêtre de vue de l’île, la disposition des coins et les effets de lévitation du menu, mais presque tout le monde est d’accord sur la transparence de la fenêtre. la plupart des fuites et des rendus de mise en page affichent la transparence et l’opacité dans toutes les fenêtres, au moins dans le menu Démarrer ou l’explorateur. De plus, cet effet même sur l’installation annulée du système d’exploitation Windows 10X, qui a été développé par Microsoft pour les appareils à deux écrans et les appareils faibles en parallèle avec le projet Sun Valley. La transparence dite acrylique consiste à utiliser de nouveaux effets lors du survol des éléments, ainsi qu’à augmenter la distance entre les éléments : la zone d’interface avec laquelle l’utilisateur interagira sera certainement plus grande, et les en-têtes de page seront plus épais.
– De nouvelles polices ont été affichées. Très probablement, Windows 11 utilisera la police variable par défaut de l’interface utilisateur Responsive Segoe, qui est apparue dans Windows 10 Build 21376 pour les initiés. L’avantage est qu’il convient aussi bien aux petits textes qu’aux grandes inscriptions. Cela la distingue des polices standard, qui ont été créées à l’origine pour les petites ou les grandes tailles. Par exemple, la version stable de Windows 10 utilise désormais la police Segoe UI, conçue pour 9pt. Dans les petites inscriptions, cela devient difficile à lire et dans les grandes, cela semble inexpressif.
– Windows 11 aura de nouvelles icônes et les icônes de Windows 95 disparaîtront. Oui, ils sont encore utilisés aujourd’hui. Microsoft modifiera éventuellement les icônes utilisées à l’échelle du système. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de raccourcis vers les dossiers, la corbeille et d’autres icônes trouvées dans l’Explorateur. Nous parlons de toutes les icônes trouvées dans le répertoire Shell32. Il a encore des icônes de l’époque de Windows 95, et Microsoft a récemment mis à jour le design lors d’une de ses réunions privilégiées ; bien sûr, ils migreront vers Windows 11.
– Windows 11 aura des innovations fonctionnelles : il en a beaucoup, mais elles sont toutes petites. On en sait beaucoup moins sur les fonctionnalités de la mise à jour à venir que sur sa conception. Mais depuis que Windows 11 et Windows 10X (le système d’exploitation annulé pour les appareils fins et pliables, dont des images ont été divulguées sur le réseau) ont été développés en parallèle, nous pouvons supposer sans risque que l’intégralité des fonctionnalités de ce dernier apparaîtront dans Windows 11 Par exemple, Windows 11 apparaîtra lorsque l’appareil photo est sur l’ordinateur ; un indicateur correspondant apparaîtra dans la barre d’état système.
Quoi de neuf:
Langues : arabe, anglais, allemand, grec, français, espagnol, italien, portugais-portugais, portugais-brésilien, turc, bulgare !
Configuration requise:
– Processeur : 2 gigahertz (GHz) ou plus rapide.
– RAM : 2 gigaoctets (Go).
– Espace libre sur le disque dur : 25 gigaoctets (Go).
– Carte graphique : périphérique graphique DirectX 9 ou ultérieur.
– Exigences supplémentaires pour utiliser certaines fonctions.
– Pour utiliser le tactile, vous avez besoin d’une tablette ou d’un moniteur prenant en charge le multitouch.
– Pour accéder au Windows Store afin de télécharger et d’exécuter l’application, vous avez besoin d’une connexion Internet active et d’une résolution d’écran d’au moins 1024 768 pixels
Méthode d’installation:
*Créez une clé USB amorçable (fortement recommandée) avec Rufus et démarrez !
Windows 11 Enterprise ( More) {EN} Update: 22000.258 Oct 12 2021 torrent download
Windows 11 Enterprise (+More) {EN} Update: 22000.258 Oct 12 2021 torrent download | ![]() |
13 Seeds 43 Peers
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Windows Packages:
At home
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The upgrade mode can be opened under certain conditions, which means going through the Windows Upgrade Wizard.
Latest information from 12/10/2021
Fully built
Upload the script for a new installation:
/ 38 jdk
You need to press + to open the console.
in the command window, type: “regedit” and then press
press –
Find the attached ISO file under My Computer and click on the file. Click the Back button, then click the version you want.
File counts:
If you want to activate Windows 11, there are many other ways to activate Windows.
There are several reg keys on this iso, one for Windows 10 pass update (may not work), one for fresh install (does work)
MY ISO: :cyberofficial
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Language: Tagalog
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Pip meets Jesse in Thailand. When she is lost, he looks for her. He then meets Kate, the wife of a slot machine owned by Nina. And he’s one step closer to finding Jessa.
Sonma Typing Expert x86-x64 free download torrent
Sonma Typing Expert x86-x64 free download torrent | ![]() |
39 Seeds 15 Peers
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Fluent in Hindi and English! Sonma Typing Expert is a great app for native speakers of English and Hindi who are interested in improving their fluency and typing speed in these languages. Using different alphabets can make it difficult for bilingual typists to type accurately and quickly in both languages. Whether you’re fluent in these languages or not, Sonma Typing Expert will help you improve in no time. Unlike TypingMaster, Typing Test and similar programs, this program is focused on English and Hindi, reliable, simple and easy to use program! Sonma Typing Expert is one of the most reliable and simple programs in this category. With a simple interface, this typing checker software makes it easy to practice your typing skills. The app contains several exercises that will help you improve your accuracy and speed. Since these exercises are available in English and Hindi, you can improve both languages using (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); }); How does Sonma Typing Expert work? Hindi character converter focuses only on translations, the new version of Sonma Typing Expert removes the differences between the Hindi numeric keypad and the basic English QWERTY keyboard. Therefore, this platform aims to enable users to effectively practice their skills. To improve your fluency, the program focuses on multiple exercises in this Hindi writing software, allowing you to progress in stages, with each stage focusing on different levels of difficulty. With this program, you can switch between training types and languages with a few mouse clicks, and the program records speed and accuracy statistics, so you can measure progress and efficiency. With the help of Sonma Typing Expert in Hindi and English, you can type your username statistics to apply for various jobs. with the program you can manually set test times to set specific goals for Sonma Typing Expert. Improve accuracy and speed? With a simple, easy-to-use interface, Sonma Typing Expert is designed to help you learn quickly and accurately. writing skills. This is a great tool for students and first-year job seekers. You just need to follow certain steps in the exercises to improve your skills. With Sonma typing app free download you can choose keyboards from the aforementioned, the app contains several exercises each giving you different levels of difficulty. Each exercise focuses on sentences, groups of words, symbols, and with this program you will be asked to write the same words and groups of letters over and over again. This will help you get used to the key layout and reduce the number of typfelers when practicing different languages. With Sonma Typing Expert you can practice typing in both languages using the Latin script. You can also use Hindi numeric keyboard to improve your skills. Switching between these languages is easy with the mouse, the tests in the program are complex and consist of words, sentences and groups of letters. Depending on the difficulty, you have to focus on each test for a certain amount of time, taking into account the number of mistakes you make to determine accuracy and speed. If you make a mistake, the program allows you to delete it. But tine you can go back to edit or delete mistakes in Sonma Typing Expert to give points? The latestversion of Sonma Typing allows you to record and print notes. That way, you can review those grades at any time and constantly reassess your progress. To access the tests, you must enter your name and other information. It is easy to set the test time from 1 to 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can pause the trial download of the latest version, which has a user interface that allows beginners to improve the speed and accuracy of printing without any problems. You can easily download Sonma Free Typing Tutor for Windows. The full free version of the program can be downloaded and installed for Windows. This is a great learning app that will help you improve your English and Hindi writing skills. It has received generally positive feedback from people who have been working with the content for a few weeks or so for improved speed and accuracy! Although there are other good typing programs, such as Rapid Typing Tutor and KeyBlaze Free Typing Tutor, none of them solve the problem of adapting to different types of keyboards. Fortunately, Sonma typing free download solves this problem and allows you to improve your English and Hindi. Without a doubt, Sonma Typing Expert for PC is an excellent choice for users all over the world.
Windows 10 21H1 Ultra Lite Dark x64 pt-BR 2021 Download Torrent
Windows 10 21H1 Ultra Lite Dark x64 pt-BR 2021 Download Torrent | ![]() |
37 Seeds 19 Peers
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WINDOWS 10 21H1 Ultra Lite Dark
assembly 21H1: V2
Build: X64
ISO size: GB
Credits: Gleison Lima
Tamanho Disco: GB
Idiom: pt-BR (native)
format: ISO/ESD
======= EDITION ======
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W10 Ultra lite X – Start Clssico
W10 Ultra lite Dark – Run Windows 10
W10 Ultra lite Dark X – Start Clssico
Edies 1 and 2 com about padro W10
Edies 3 and 4 as Ultra lite Dark theme
Edio X: inverted if not changed.
======= DELETED ======
Reason – lan Wlan FUNCIONANDO
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Aps and Installao dos DESATIVE or WINDOWS UPDATE drivers.
More information about StartIsBack to 2 Edio ()
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==== INTEGRATED =====
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===== Main Menu ======
Install the Microsoft Store
Windows 10 X64 21H2 10in1 OEM ESD en-US JULY 2022 {Gen2} Download Torrent
Windows 10 X64 21H2 10in1 OEM ESD en-US JULY 2022 {Gen2} Download Torrent | ![]() |
10 Seeds 45 Peers
Download link |
Windows 10 X64 21H2 10in1 OEM ESD en-US JULY 2022
Version 21H2 Assembly
* File:
* Size: 4.52 GB
* Format: movable ISO
* CRC32: 3867f10b
* MD5: 7459b8f3c4145676d876cfa8f1ba3177
* SHA-1: 90f8a4214fbe48078f608ff4f12b3f6afbbfa90c
* Service stack:
* Total updates:
* KB5015807
*NET Framework
* General update
*NET Framework with:
* KB5013887
* Windows 10 Home – – – – STD/DLA/OEM
* Windows 10 Pro- – – – – STD/DLA/OEM
* Windows 10 Education – STD/DLA
*Windows 10 Business – STD/DLA
* STD = standard installation – for those who have their own license key
* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)
* OEM – Turns on automatically when installed
* same version on original devices
* UEFI-ready
*(Use the included Rufus USB tool to boot UEFI)
* Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (only)
* compressed for return format()
* Create a bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,
* (supplied) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.
* Windows_Addict, Windows startup script writer
* Hope you enjoy this version!
*Generation 2
Windows 10 X64 21H1 Home 3-in-1 OEM ESD pt-BR JUN 2021
Version 21H1 Assembly
* File:
* Size: 4.22 GB
* Format: movable ISO
* CRC32: 00d70a68
* MD5: 2e558b623d03a7d46a031985dd6c211e
* SHA-1: bd0e340682357820d8f1c0e60d8048d674311ec0
* Service stack:
* Total updates:
* KB5003690
*NET Framework
* General update
*NET Framework with:
* CB4601554
* Windows 10 Home – Standard Edition
* Windows 10 Home – DLA
* Windows 10 Home – OEM
* STD = standard installation – for those who have their own license key
* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)
* OEM – Turns on automatically when installed
* same version on original devices
* UEFI-ready
*(Use the included Rufus USB tool to boot UEFI)
* Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (only)
* compressed for return format()
* Create a bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,
* (supplied) or burn to DVD-R at low speed.
* Windows_Addict WriterWindows startup scripts
* Hope you enjoy this version!
*Generation 2
Roblox Studio download torrent
Roblox Studio download torrent | ![]() |
31 Seeds 14 Peers
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Roblox Studio Free Game Development Program is free software that allows you to create unique video games and play other games created by the community. Available on Apple Mac and Microsoft Windows (including Windows 11), Roblox Studio provides an interactive, template-based online environment. Is Roblox Studio free? Roblox Studio offers a lot of customization tools for free. Community members can publish their Roblox games on the platform and earn money for their creations when players buy in-game: coins, skins, etc. Developers can earn Roblox’s virtual currency Robux and exchange it for real dollars. It will be a great source of money. Manage Your Virtual Workspace Once Roblox Studio is downloaded, it will work with a login system. On Windows devices, Roblox’s user interface resembles the ease of use of the Microsoft Office suite. Once logged in, a panel will appear on the left with options to start creating a new game and access previous, recent, and archived user titles: New, My Games, Recent, and Archive. New tab, the top menu bar offers the community all the options for Templates, Themes and Games. In the All Models segment, people are offered various scenario options for building the game: Baseboard, Flat Terrain, Town, Castle, Suburb, Race, Pirate Island, West, City, the main terrain model is selected. . I go to the development screen. Along the top of the screen, horizontally, is a menu bar: File, Undo, Redo, Home, Templates, Test, View, and Plugins. Clicking on the Home button will give you access to the icon bar that contains the basics of Roblox building such as Select, Move, Scale, Rotate, Collision, Constraints, Unite, Edit, Toolbox, Parts, UI , Materials, Colors, etc. Next to the Home segment is the Model tab, which has other customization features: Effects, Add Objects, etc. The test section offers users the opportunity to play on devices, players and servers. Viewports allow communities to improve their user experience. When developing games, giving them the ability to expand to full screen, record video, take screenshots, and use breakpoints, grids, etc. Plugins allow people to further customize their user experience on the right side of third party screens with features including skins: appearance, information, behavior, etc. game screen the panel on the left has the Explorer area and Toolbox Explorer as an organizational hub showing what skins will be added to the game and where they are located. stored. The Toolbox section includes the ability to use Robux to purchase developer items to improve the user experience of the scripts used by Roblox. While multipurpose freeware is available to everyone, those who want to code and take the experience a step further can learn the Lua programming language. Lu is considered a scripting languagelight and simple. There are plenty of tutorials online to help you learn Lua coding. Make your own game on Roblox? You can control the camera view with the WASD keys or by holding the right button part of the mouse: up, down, left, right, and zoom in and out. You can start building your game by adding pieces; On the main screen, a piece is displayed on a landscape terrain of strategically placed pieces, click the Select button to navigate through the piece. To the left of the Select button, people can manipulate parts by copying, pasting, cutting, and duplicating objects. This allows people to build on top of the Select key, there’s a Move key that provides precise positioning. Arrows appear around the section when the Move button is selected. You can decrease and increase the batch size by selecting the Scale option on the icon bar. This feature is important in addition to being customizable to quickly create an ideal ecosystem, an important aspect is the Rotate button, which offers developers the ability to rotate objects to a satisfactory position. By clicking Editor in the Terrain segment on the icon bar, people can experiment with landscapes to create imaginative worlds. Navigate to the bottom left corner of the Terrain Editor and find some survey game creation tools. Blender and Unity are other game development software. Like Roblox Studio, both Blender and Unity are free to access and available on Apple Mac and Microsoft Windows. While Roblox Studio is a great option for people new to game making and scripting, Blender and Unity are geared towards the more experienced base building options that Roblox Studio offers, but Minecraft may be another option. solid. Minecraft is open source software that allows you to experiment with the title creation process. The land available in Roblox Studio resembles the for-profit minecraft content style. Roblox Studio is considered a development platform for beginners, but the free program allows the community to monetize their creations upon release. If the player decides to purchase a game pass, the developer can benefit from the purchase. You can create different styles of play: races, obstacle courses, a large and active community, Roblox Studio constantly updates the program.
The Kerala Story 2023 With Subs Free Torrent Download
The Kerala Story 2023 With Subs Free Torrent Download | ![]() |
11 Seeds 45 Peers
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History of Kerala 2023 Hindi 1080p NEW HQ S-Print x264 AAC HC-HSub
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ID: 1
Format: AVC
Format/Features: Advanced Video Codec
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Microsoft Office LTSC 2021 download
Microsoft Office LTSC 2021 download | ![]() |
50 Seeds 36 Peers
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Microsoft Office LTSC 2021 ProPlus
and initiator
Microsoft has officially announced the availability of the final version of its Office 2021 version for Windows and Mac users. After the preview version was released in the first half of this year, Office 2021 has been improved and is now available to users.
It includes almost all the changes that have been added to the suite of applications in Office 365 over the past 3 years, although some features remain exclusive to subscribers. In addition to the main programs Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
Microsoft Office 2021 includes
Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus
Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus + Visio Pro 2021 + Project Pro 2021
Microsoft Standard 2021
Microsoft Office 2021 Standard + Visio Standard 2021 + Project Standard 2021
Microsoft Word + Excel + PowerPoint 2021
Operating system: Windows , 10, Windows Server 2008R2 SP1, 2012R2, 2016, 2019
Run the .exe file
Select Microsoft Office and click the language you want to install
On the tool, after the VL process is complete, click the activate button.
Instructions are in the file
Total number of links to viruses –
Hybrid Analysis –
Create and edit Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) files.
Create and edit
Create MSI and MST files from scratch or modify Microsoft Windows installers from the vendor.
A design that is made to be as friendly as possible. Self-explanatory user interface.
Work with MSI with over 100,000 files or registries and experience impressive load times and UI performance.
User interface
Don’t miss a thing. An interface that allows you to use the full potential of your display – All versions in one view.
Save assets, registers, summary information or custom actions and use them immediately using predefined templates.
Reinstall very complex EXE installations to MSI with little or no modifications and with full automation
Release Notes:
Operating system:
– Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 (32/64bit)
Open, run and enjoy, no activation or installation required / Instructions are included in the folder!
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