Halak Palal has run for two weeks now. Yay? It’s been such a beautiful experience as we combined Fitfam with Jesus time! We’ve had some of the most amazing testimonies in just two weeks! Wheeewww
Esther Sylvester recounts how she received the fruit of the holy spirit in the first week
“First I saw the flier of Halak-palak on coach E’s WhatsApp status and it sounded deep and sweet. I read the blog post about it and I signed up. I was skeptical about how having to walk and pray out *”Loud”* would be but, The ginger from CoachE’s blog post made me sign up.

Didn’t realize how awesome having to walk and pray out Loud could be until my first experience at the Halak Palal
Halak-palak is a combination of both activities I love. As a Jesus girl that loves prayer and fitness even though my fitness passion is not intense, it’s interesting how I get to do both with other sisters, nothing gingers prayer like doing it with others.
Halak-palal lasts for just one hour, it felt like 10mins to me on the first day ??? I wish it didn’t end. I don’t pray in tongues but, on the first Halak-palak I remembered CoachE’ said we should all pray in the spirit for the last five minutes before she rounds up, I giggled because I felt that wasn’t for me lol. But, how I began to pray in the spirit still amazes me.
Halak Palal is such an awesome way to fight fat and fight Satan at the same time. The most interesting way to build your spiritual life while staying fit. Every gym needs to adopt this.
Thank you CoachE’ for always yeilding and swinging into action once the Holy spirit highlights something to you for Jesus girls”- Esther Sylvester
Mother of 2, Adedoyin shares her experience;
“Being a mother of a baby and a toddler could be a really daunting season. It means that I literally have to be creative and intentional with prayer time if I was really serious about my relationship with God.

HALAK PALAL came and I joined with great excitement. I had set my alarm and put together my workout attire, accessories and prayer points the night before. Even nursed my baby few minutes before the time, so I won’t have to rush back to him. I wasn’t going to let anything discourage or distract me.
What I didn’t know was that while I was preparing to take my requests to God in Halak Palal, God was also setting me up in interceding for others and building capacity in prayers. The spiritual alertness, the sweat, coupled with bold prayers from the core; I mean it was a different 1 hour experience for me. I knew then that that was what God wanted to do with Halak Palal. It wasn’t about me at all. It’s a MOVE!!!
Thank you my MamaE for always heeding as you hear! I’m honoured to be in this move!??” – Adedoyin
Chidinma recounts how worshipping God on the move was for her
“Joining the HALAK PALAL has been like a motivation for me. The first day we started, I couldn’t sleep for long without waking up at intervals and checking time cos I really didn’t want to miss it.
I am glad I joined??????

I was really excited and looked forward to the next week, I made a conscious decision to wake earlier like 30mins before the time to charge myself up. I felt so revived & energised.
Having a community of women praying along side each other with our individual prayer point is really uplifting. You are charged up to release yourself more and just communicate with God.
While participating in Halak Palal, I noticed it wasn’t just my body that was being exercised, I felt awakened in my spirit. I did not even care if people were passing. I was just pouring out my heart to God, worshipping on the move felt so good.
Thank you for the experience ma. ??????”-
Also mom of two, Kanyinsola recounts how after weeks of struggling to balance work, parenting and post partum weight loss, she heard God’s voice during Halak Palal and got direction for her week
“I’ve been struggling with my prayer life for a few weeks. In between learning how to parent 2 kids, work pressure, trying to lose the post partum weight and this nonsense Coronavirus of a pandemic it’s been a mess trying to get a handle on things.
Of course if I want to be completely honest with myself (and I like to be) part (most) of my struggle was because I hadn’t been praying like I should. 2 days before I saw the poster I just said my fave prayer (help me God) and then bam on Coach’s status, God showed up.
I signed up immediately and set alarm for 6:30am. Prior to this I had only walked for max 40 mins (with sweat and tears and never again).
This time I don’t even know where the time went, when Coach said let’s round up I was like “hoin?” I was even still far from home, so I entered worship to walk the balance. I heard God that day and got so much direction for the week. I’m still juggling all the stuff I was juggling but I’ve been more coordinated in general and more intentional about prayer.
“Halak Palal unlocked something in me and it’s definitely on my schedule for every Sunday morning going forward” – Kanyinsola
A.O describes how Halak Palal was a “Jesus Girls declaring God’s kingdom on earth” experience for her
“I joined Halak Palal and the feeling I got was as if I was flexing my spiritual muscles.
I go on prayer walks but lately I have been discouraged because I was attacked in my dream and it was nasty one, they kept saying who is that one that is disturbing us and I woke up with physical pain.
When God opened my eyes to see the mighty angel that is behind me as I go on these walks, I responded with a blast of tongue, but still didn’t return to doing the prayer walks
I joined Halak Palal and my thought on the first day was ”who goes blasting in tongues on the street” but all of a sudden, I became aware that it’s not just me, I have a host of sisters in different places doing the same thing.
We are declaring God’s kingdom on earth and I personally believe in strength in number
Thank you for obeying God on this, Coach! Because of it, I have decided to also be obedient~ A.O
Tamaramienye who doesn’t have the right words to describe her Halak Palal experience says its her a must-experience movement for all!
Halak Palal; the name just sounds beautiful!
When something sounds beautiful from the name alone, you know you are headed in the right direction?
It’s been such a wonderful experience for me.
Walking and praying together.
A lot of us walk, a lot of us pray but we usually don’t do both together.
And for me, it has rekindled a number of things- both prayer and walking. I like to take long walks and so with Halak Palal, I have been reminded of my Isralites traits.
I am able to take long walks and It doesn’t get boring nor tiringly, you literally can’t see TIME pass, because you’re walking with a number of people
And to the spiritual aspect, there’s just this beautiful thing about praying together in God’s name, and that one hour of praying just builds up my spiritual muscles even as it does my physical muscles.
I don’t think I can really quantify my Halak Palal Experience, it’s something that definitely needs to be experienced. It’s something I look forward to every week!
Every one needs to me a part of this movement! ~ Tamaramienye
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!
Real drop mic moment guys!!! Thank you so much !
Halak Palal is movement LITERALLY!!!
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Halak Palal, the BIGGEST VIRTUAL Fitness & Prayer walk
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Super glad I get to do this!
Aside from this blog that I run for fitness related topics, I run two other blogs;
stayhomemoms.ng for God’s domestic queen where I share my journey as a wife and mom, productivity tips, and all the resources you need to rock out your season!
Eziaha.com a faith-based where I blog about faith, friendship and mentoring.
And we infact just published a time based blog about the new opening in the wild women community, a community where myself and a group of amazing ladies pray, study the word, share all things Jesus and generally vibe on a Jesus level. It’s like a Jesus party, especially at our once a week midnight prayers together over the Zoom App
Check out the post linked before to learn more