Her name is Uche.

Uche and I have some history.
We found ourselves in this crazy off-campus hostel as housemates. It was a friendship at first sight. We graduated same year, served in Lagos together, I was there when she had her baby

and she was equally there when I got married.
And had a baby.
And got FAT.

But we had a gap couple of months we somehow lost touch, and then she visited me at home.
I opened the gate to let her in and Uche SCREAMED when she saw me.
I was even wondering what was doing the drama Queen, until she explained.
Eziaha, you have LOST all the weight? How did you do it?
Uche on a normal day is DRAMATIC, but she was EXTRA that day.
Well, if you saw me too, you would have SCREAMED.
I moved from 106kg and a size 18 to 76kg and a size 10 in a little over 4 months.

And Uche was just one of the many reactions that trailed my FAB TRANSFORMATION STORY.

I was literally SNATCHED, RAPTURED from FAT
HARPAZO: Greek. To snatch away, especially used of Rapture.
Which is why I am SUPER EXCITED to launch our second half of the year FAT LOSS program… HARPAZO!!!

I thought LONG and HARD on this one.
We had done WEIGHT IS OVER for the first half of the year

And my goodness, what amazing testimonies we had

I didn’t just want it to be weight loss, I wanted everyone to have an EXPERIENCE while being HARPAZO’ed from fat.
I love another definition of RAPTURE
Rapture: Ecstatic JOY or delight. Joyful ecstasy.
So while we are SNATCHING you from the claws of FAT, I want to make sure you are experiencing ECSTASY!!!
Honestly, I am about to GAIN WEIGHT so that I can SIGN up for this HARPAZO squad.
If you want to gift yourself the priceless gift of good health and a STRONG body that can actually CARRY YOU through your God-given assignments, then come ALL THE WAY ON!!!
She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and PHYSICAL FITNESS for her God-given task]
Proverbs 31 v 17 AMPC
Whether you are a Nursing Mom

Or are ready to HARPAZO while Intermittent fasting
Or just need a WHOLE customized experience,

Or want to do it with other women with the same goal in a Squad
We have you covered
Please expect Nutrition Plans, Workouts, Prayers/Confessions, and accountability like no other.
And yay for the first time we are launching a webinar series with CoachE’! Once or twice a month, I’d get registered squaddies into a closed webinar on ZOOM and we can discuss more tips to help on the journey.
Whatever it takes, so far it is legal, moral, and godly, we will do it to HARPAZO everyone from FAT, and this also includes CoachE’s famous tough love.

Honestly, I have coached people for 4 years now. I see a lot of people UNDERESTIMATE the fight against FAT, and so I make sure I let fat KNOW CoachE’ don’t play like that.
I come in GUNS BLAZING, SWORDS SWASHING and FAT DESTROYING. Let me end with a scripture that just BLOWS me away every time. It is the conversation that happened at the tomb when the women came to look for the now risen Jesus…
Then the men asked, ‘Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is ALIVE? He is NOT here. He is RISEN from the dead!!!
Luke 24: 5-6
This was Part 1 of His HARPAZO, the final one coming through 40days later.
Basically, THIS will be your story as you come on board AND submit to the process we are dishing.
Uche my darling came to see me expecting to see a FAT friend haha, BUT GOD… #WontHeDoIt??? He HARPAZOed your girl from FAT pretty much FOR EVER.
This journey started at the end of 2015 and 4 years and counting later, I am still FREE FROM FAT

Let me help you have your own “HE IS NOT HERE” experience.
Let’s help you flabber-whelm more Uches’ with your transformation (Uche btw is a SWEET HEART and DEAR FRIEND so there was no drama to the process)
If you have more questions, feel free to contact us.
Email coache@coache.ng
Whatsapp 09055868614 or 09075256305
We would run squads at different times from July to December, kicking off Monday, July 6, 2020
Registration is OPEN
CoachE Squad Ltd
Just send us proof of payment via whatsapp and we can start the onboarding process
See you in the squads
CoachE’ against FAT