Shalom Shalom Jesus Girls’
So I have here an oldie but absolute goodie. This pod was first published on this blog in 2019. Sit back, read, learn and apply as led.
I want to share a quick scripture that when I discovered it has really been a thing for me through my fasts.
Your words are so choice, so tasty. I prefer them to the best home cooking… Psalm 119 v 103
I was just super excited to read the Message translation of it AND apply it to my life sometime in June when I truly entered into what seemed like a next level fast…
I recall when I first embarked on a weight loss journey, desperate as I was to lose the weight, the battle against discipline was something I still had to fight. Thankfully, I had run into a certain video by Heather Lindsey when she talked about how she would struggle with hunger when she fasted and then she would bring out her Bible, open the Word and start to declare that she doesn’t live by bread alone but rather by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
It seemed funny and maybe stupid lol, but I was desperate to try ANYTHING so long as it got me through the discipline and portion control needed to lose weight.
Tadaaaaa. Four months later, I had TRANSFORMED!!!

So yes, the WORD really works and can be applied to EVERYTHING indeed.
When I started this my new found love and lasting relationship with intermittent fasting, gosh it was HARD. This was one scripture I would literally eat.

I would open my dearly beloved contemporary comparative parallel Bible and repeat
I prefer your word to the BEST home cooking….
Repeating it as long as I needed to until the hunger urge had gone.
And gradually the hunger urges began to lose its power over me and the Word gained more and more ground in my life.
Home cooking is BAE yes, but I have discovered that #JesusGirls must know how to put a knife to their throat and control their appetite. Others may joke with‘I am a foodie’ but you know that FOOD is not allowed to have dominion over you rather you use food, the right kind and quantity, to serve the purpose of God for your life.

Let me end this by sharing a few more scriptures to ‘eat’ as you embark on a fast or any discipline or deprivation of sorts just to build some spiritual weight…
So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God… 1 Kings 19 v 8
(I believe that the food he was given can be likened to the Word of God. It really was supernatural food and this scripture got me through my very first 3 day fast)
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God… Matt 4 v 4
I truly believe that the more we EAT the Word, the less we struggle with an indiscipline over even the best home cooking.
Jesus Girls have a LEAN APPETITE and a FAT SPIRIT
Don’t get it twisted…
Cheers to discipline and your optimal self