
Dear CoachE’, how soon can I start my weightloss journey after delivery?

How soon should I start my weight loss journey after giving birth…? I get this question a whole lot and having been on a post-partum journey twice, and coached 100s of chicks through it, I can share my story and knowledge here… With my first, I wasn’t very wise. I had gained about 40kg in […]

How to eat RICE EVERYDAY and lose weight.

First of all, let me just say that I am no fan of rice. I can go a whole month without tasting rice. It is not one of my fave grains but as a Naija woman with a family to feed, rice features twice on our weekly plan… Sunday afternoon (you should be arrested if […]

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HOW I LOST 30kg in 4 months.

Updated with 10 lessons for FOREVER  RESULTS