Ever wondered why we do what we do at #JesusGirlsFitness? Want to know all the programs we have going on? Care to be a part of the solutions we are offering the world?
Keep reading. Your answers are below.
At CoachE’s #JesusGirlsFitness, our CORE VALUES are just 3. They are the tripod on which we stand, very proudly, I must add
“She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] and makes her arms strong and firm.”
Proverbs 31:17 AMPC
We believe that every #JesusGirl needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle, not just so she can look good, but also because she needs to be FIT and STRENGTHENED for all her God-given assignments.
So we help you eat clean and make workouts a part of your life, so here on earth, you can do all God wants for you to do, in STRENGTH
“Every time you give to the poor you make a loan to the Lord. Don’t worry—you’ll be repaid in full for all the good you’ve done.”
Proverbs 19:17 TPT
Oh, beyond the dangers of consistently eating junk both on the body and pocket, we believe that we can be better stewards of all our God-given resources, so that as opportunities arise, we have the means to be ‘beautifully generous’.
How beautiful is it that when we give charitably, God considers it a loan to Him and promises to repay us.
Meanwhile, if we waste our resources on JUNK, all we get is unhealthy fat.
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
Proverbs 22:6 NIV
As a #JesusGirl, it is beyond you, your kids are watching and learning too. We could leave a legacy of fat and all the related health challenges it brings, or we could leave them a legacy of good health both now and in the future.
I know we love our babies, and would want them to grow up as healthily as possible, so we cannot be casual about what happens in the kitchen, on the dining table, and in their tummies.
So those are our THREE CORE VALUES, and based on these, we have a few programs, which we consider FITNESS SOLUTIONS.
No, this is beyond a time-based weight loss, we are about a whole new lifestyle, one we are rocking out for life. Kindly note that you do need your Doctor’s permission before embarking on any of our plans, especially those with health challenges.
Even though all nutrition plans are well researched, our bodies differ and CoachE’s #JesusGirlsFitness will not be held accountable for any issues that may arise from not carrying your personal Doctor along.
Here are details of our SOLUTIONS, and what joy to welcome you on board any of them.
1. Squad Coaching
Here, for no less than 40days, we coach you online via whatsapp, providing you with a general Nutrition Plan and recipe, live daily workouts on weekdays, more workout video options from home, and hold you accountable, ensuring you are sticking to the plan. We also have specified days during the program where we track our progress in 5 ways
We also share a daily fitness devotional, bi-weekly live webinars with CoachE’ and guests, fasting Wednesdays and challenges every 10days.
40days of this costs N12,000, and is renewable. It is a lot of squad fun, and can get pretty busy quickly, which is why we have plan number 2.
2. Private Coaching
Very similar to group coaching, with everything above applicable, only this time, you are in a private group with CoachE’ and an assistant coach. This works for busy women, private women who don’t do well with groups, those in diaspora who need meals customized to their locations and are in different time zones, and those with health challenges who need every solution customized to them.
This package starts at N35,000 for 40days, and is renewable too. Cost could go higher depending on health challenges the program covers.
3. Rejoicing Moms Squad
Here, we coach our Preggos and Nursing moms together in a whatsapp group. We provide not just nutrition and workout support, but also the emotional and spiritual support this journey demands, and you can transition with us, from your bump days to your baby days up until six months postpartum
You get everything in the General coaching package, only this time, plans are suited for trimesters, for the Preggos, and exclusive or non-exclusive for the nursing moms
The Nursing mama squad costs N15,000 for 40days and is renewable
The Preggo package costs N30, 000 per trimester (12 weeks), or N75, 000 for the entire pregnancy duration, so far you joined us within the first 6 weeks of your pregnancy.
4. Hadaccah Diet
Here, we have a couple of offerings, but they all exclude whatsapp daily coaching. You can just buy whatever diet plan you need based on your goals, and use it at your own pace. The plan is customized and also comes with recipes.
Here we have specialized Nutrition Plans to combat health challenges like Hypertension, Diabetes, High cholesterol and more. Whatever health challenge you have that nutrition provides one of the ways out for it, we can help you.
This also works for women not looking to exactly lose weight, but instead want to clean up their diet because they know that food can be a tool for God or satan to help or hinder us on the path of purpose. A new bride looking to start her family on the right note can also purchase one of our HADACCAH plans.
Children looking to help their older parents eat better can also purchase a plan here.
A 21-day plan here starts from N25, 000 depending on what challenges being dealt with.
Kindly note that this plan excludes daily coaching via whatsapp. The private coaching plan above would suffice if extra accountability is needed via whatsapp.
Moms and Domestic Queens looking to change the meal time table of their homes, can purchase a Hadaccah plan too. Ladies who want to gain weight can also purchase a Hadaccah plan here.
5. Workout-only Packages
Basically, we can cover anything you want us to, so far it has to do with food and fitness.
Here, we also have a couple of packages.
Yom Gum is our daily weekday live workout session via Zoom. For N5000 or N7000, you can join us for 21 or 30days. This session is however complimentary to any of our coaching squads on whatsapp.
Our Abs and Arms only package is as simple as its name.
Here, we have a 21-day FOCUS workout plans for either arms or abs, which you can continue to repeat.
This package features fliers and videos that would enable you rock out your workout from the comfort of your homes, and see results.
Each plan costs N10, 000 only.
You could opt for 10days for just N5000 too.
6. DETOX package
This is our 10-day special kind of detox plan which we call GAN-RAVEH, that is a well-watered garden. This is good for anyone who needs to clean up their systems, and while this contains a lot of fruits and veggies, it also has some soups and more which are completely healthy, and are good interjections on the 10-day plan, as it is not advisable to go on just fruits and veggies for 10 straight days.
Anybody is welcome to purchase this plan for just N5000, and the best part is that it is yours to repeat at any time your body needs it. It excludes whatsapp coaching.
7. Fasting Packages
Whether you are going on a conventional fast, a Daniel fast, or Intermittent Fasting, you can purchase a CUSTOMISED and OPTIMISED fasting package from us, which would suit your goals, whether it includes weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance. If you want our workout suggestions, we can provide those too, ditto our devotional to help you make the most of your fast spiritually.
We have 10-day, 21-day and 40-day packages, and cost starts from N10,000, depending on what you would like with your plan
8. Child-Friendly Nutrition Packages
We are still working out the finer details of this one, but we know it would cover children from ages 2 to 12, with all sorts of fun, family-friendly and healthy recipes to help you not just feed your precious babies better, but leave them a legacy of good health, by God’s grace.
So, which of our Solutions would we be serving you today?
You can contact us here on whatsapp here Put link to my whatsapp number
Or send a mail to coache@coache.ng
Let’s bring healthy back to every woman and leave fat behind
Yours’ in service
#JesusGirlsFitness Coach