
Did you know that attending regular religious services could significantly impact your health—and not in the way you might expect? A study by Northwestern University found that individuals who attend religious activities regularly are 50% more likely to become obese by middle age than those who have no religious involvement. Shocking, right?

The study tracked 2,433 men and women over 18 years and discovered that adults between the ages of 20 and 32 with normal weights, who attended religious services at least once a week, were at a higher risk of obesity by their 40s or 50s. While this isn’t a meta-analysis, it’s hard to ignore the trend: members of the body of Christ are becoming bigger, overweight, and, quite frankly, fatter.

Now, before you feel defensive or think I’m “coming for the church,” let me clarify—I’m not here to criticize but to shed light on a trend that’s spiraling out of control. This message isn’t sweet, but it’s necessary.

Jeremiah 1:9-10 says:
“Then Yahweh reached out with his hand and touched my mouth and said to me: ‘Now I have put my words in your mouth. See! Today I have imparted to you great authority over nations and governments, to uproot and demolish, to destroy and dismantle. And you will plant and build something new.’”

It’s my hope that these words inspire us to uproot and demolish the unhealthy culture within our churches and begin to plant and build healthier habits.

Why This Trend Persists

On my journey as a health coach, I’ve observed an unsettling pattern. Many women I coach do exceptionally well with their weight-loss plans from Monday to Friday. But by Saturday or Sunday, everything unravels. The common denominator? Church gatherings.

Some of the reasons why food—often unhealthy—has become central to church activities include:

  • Celebration and excitement: We associate joy with food, particularly junk food.
  • Encouragement to attend: Food can be a subtle incentive to draw people to church.
  • Long services: Churches often provide food to sustain attendees during extended programs.
  • Children’s church: Junk food is often used to show love and keep children engaged.

But this practice has consequences. We’re unknowingly fostering unhealthy habits and contributing to obesity and poor health within the body of Christ.

This madness has to STOP. The data is clear, and the effects are undeniable. We need to start making healthier choices—not just for ourselves but for the next generation.

This blog only scratches the surface of this critical issue. For the full breakdown and actionable insights, watch the video on my YouTube channel. Let’s work together to uproot this unhealthy trend and build a healthier, stronger church community.

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