Fews weeks back, a conversation started between my squaddies about things they could not do because of FAT…
Despite how hilarious some of their responses may sound, the fact remains that FAT is unhealthy and we’re glad to have helped them on their journey to getting back some big, some tiny, but very great luxuries of being FIT.
Let’s dive into it…
This is what M said;
“I could not bend down to strap sandals, infact I stopped buying sandals with buckles, I could not wear heels and if I wear It wouldn’t last for 3hours because of the fear that I would fall.
Now I wear heels and stand for long and also till the event is over.
Waist pain, ankle pain used to be my companions – diclofenac my clutch, ALL THAT IS ALL GONE!!!
I can see past stomach, before I will be raising the stomach to see below. God has delivered me from panting after small trek. The beautiful part, My neck has shape and I feel beautiful” – M

O said;
“I am sure my house help loves me more now because I now have the strength to do more things by myself” – O

B is excited that her husband can carry her again;
“I always loved when my husband carried me, but he stopped as I gained weight?.. Now, as I’ve lost the weight, carrying has resumed” ?? – B
D is thankful that she NOW lives the American Dream
“I suffered from breathing problem, shortness of breathe was very constant… I couldn’t walk or climb stairs without panting like someone who just finished 400m hurdle relay race…
Lacing my trainers was hard…because of my stomach I was always tired…you know when you have been busy doing NOTHING
I couldn’t bend to sweep with normal brooms, I always had to use the sweeping brushes Plus I think my weight was too much for my knees and lower back… the pains were excruciating.
With tears of joy, I shares;
My surgery was almost cancelled during my risk assessment because of my weight and even my doctor said this out loud “YOUR WEIGHT IS TOO MUCH FOR YOUR AGE.. YOU SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT”
The surgery had been cancelled 3 times already due to extraneous factors, so I pleaded with the doctor that I would pull through and then reached out to CoachE’
I knew it was going to be a very long journey… I prayed for strength to pull through…and resolved to reach my target before leaving. I had setbacks, slow scale movements, I fainted once, I cheated, I fell sick, my knees were hurting, days I was tired…but I have CONQUERED!
This girl is down to 76.1kg from 108.3kg???
My target weight is 75kg… so I have about 1.1kg to go! Tears of Joy!!!!- I
Wow wow wowww
This testimonies are just too GOOOOOD
If these things are your current realities, please jump on board for our second half of the year FAT LOSS programs… and let’s FIGHT FAT together!

And this is not just a weight loss program, I want everyone to have an EXPERIENCE while being HARPAZO’ed from fat.
We also offer tailored plans with our private coaching

And nursing moms

And a whole lot more, read more about Harpazo here
It’s gets even better;
In the first 2 weeks of HARPAZO, we would be doing a different kind of DETOX, which we are calling
CoachE’s Well-watered Garden.

If you don’t want to sign up for HARPAZO but just need a quick DETOX, then I gotcha. We are launching it too as a STAND ALONE program
Read more details about Gan-Raveh here
GAN-RAVEH… CoachE’s Well watered DETOX Garden
If you’re looking to lose weight plus gain some spiritual stamina, I have something special for you

It is FREE!!!
Read details here
Halak Palal, the BIGGEST VIRTUAL Fitness & Prayer walk
Register here
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Super glad I get to do this!
Aside from this blog that I run for fitness related topics, I run two other blogs;
stayhomemoms.ng for God’s domestic queen where I share my journey as a wife and mom, productivity tips, and all the resources you need to rock out your season!
Eziaha.com a faith-based where I blog about faith, friendship and mentoring.
And we infact just published a time based blog about the new opening in the wild women community, a community where myself and a group of amazing ladies pray, study the word, share all things Jesus and generally vibe on a Jesus level. It’s like a Jesus party, especially at our once a week midnight prayers together over the Zoom App
Check out the post linked before to learn more