
In 1 Samuel 2:9, The Bible says by strength shall no man prevail. I love the way the Bible says it in the The message translation ‘,No one makes it in this life by sheer muscle!’

Aka gragra, Aka I’ll just pay COACHE’

Shalom Jesus girls!

So when it comes to Weight loss, we typically think of ‘I need the right diet’, I need exercise equipment, ‘I need to join a gym’, ‘I need to know what intermittent fasting plan I am doing’, ‘what fruits am I eating, Salads, Juices, Smoothies’ yes you need those too. Want to know other things you need on your weight loss journey? This blog is going to address that. We are calling it Non weight loss things you need for a successful weight loss journey. Remember, when it comes to COACHE’ Nation and Eziaha the goal is Forever Results. Joyful Weightloss, Forever results. Let’s do this!

Weight loss is hard enough, No body deserves to lose weight and gain it back. With us you can completely say ‘ Bye’ to the fluctuating, frustrating journey where you lose weight today and gain it all again tomorrow. It’s ‘Bye bye’ forever. With us, Every weight lost is lost forever. Which is why we proudly call our weight loss programs, Joyful Weight Loss, Forever Result . With us you don’t only get Nutrition, Exercise and Accountability. You also get coaching that involves Psychology, your mindset, your habits and of course all layered on the foundation of Faith. When you have all of this together in one coaching program, wanna know what the results are? Of course! Forever Result as you build a body that is fit for purpose or what we call your ‘ For Purpose body’.

In this blog, we’ll be talking about Non weight loss things you need for a successful weight loss journey.

Number one would have to be your Time Management. This is so key. You can’t lose weight on a ‘jagajaga’ system. Weight loss actually demand somethings from you. Actually, not just weight loss, healthy living in general requires an extremely intentional lifestyle. So, if you are going to lose weight you must look at the systems and structures in your life. Check out your time management. Think about it, you have a solid desire to wake up, prepare your meals, do a short workout and go to work, but you are awake till 11pm or 12pm scrolling social media, watching movies and you slept really late. You can’t wake up early which is why you must have a firm grip and grasp of your time management. Want to know more? All the gist is here

The second thing you need that is not related to weight loss directly is a solid support system. This is so key! So whether it your husband, or your children, or your colleagues at work, you are going to need to have a conversation with your husband if you are married. ‘ Babe, I’ll be here trying to lose weight and you will there buy all the temptations in this house’ Lol… Just kidding. Just talk to your husband however you talk to him. I share more details on that here. Don’t just assume they’ll support you, you are going to have to ask them to support you.

The third non weight loss thing you need for your weight loss is your faith! Your faith! You need Confessions, Prayers and Jesus. The Bible says by strength shall no man prevail. I love the way the Bible says it in the the message translation ‘No one makes it in this life by sheer muscle!’ Aka gragra aka I’ll just pay COACHE’. We bring in Jesus.

Watch the full video here where I share more detail on the things I mentioned. Till next time, Shalom my sisters.


Health Coach

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