
Ah, how utterly amazing to see those 2 red lines, or hear the Doc say YOU ARE PREGNANT, especially in a planned and highly welcome pregnancy.

Ok, so pregnancy confirmed, how do you enjoy a FIT and HEALTHY pregnancy?

I will share 3 simple changes I put in place immediately I realized I was pregnant


  1. Weigh yourself.

I had to start with this because tracking your weight gain IS VERY IMPORTANT in pregnancy, both for medical and aesthetic reasons, BOTH OF THEM VALID. I weighed myself first thing the NEXT morning naked and recorded it. I then WEEKLY kept weighing. You should aim to add 10 to MAX 15kg in those 40weeks, with about half occurring in late 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester. Also, any rapid weight gain puts you AND YOUR BABY at risk of Gestational Diabetes, which may lead to Pre-Eclampsia. So please weigh and keep weighing. That is why your ObGyn weighs you and monitors in a chart. Plus gaining the right amount of weight steadily also means you get to lose weight relatively easier post-partum. Whoop!!!

  1. Start/Continue Working Out

Sis, except your Doctor EXPRESSLY tells you NOT TO WORK OUT cos of possible complications, IT IS PERFECTLY SAFE TO WORK OUT IN PREGNANCY FROM FIRST TRIMESTER TO THIRD. The benefits are ENDLESS both for Mother and baby. If you have been working out, make some modifications, e.g. don’t lift anything more than 7kg, avoid lying on your back and all those tummy workouts, and don’t workout to plain exhaustion. Take regular rests in between. Drink lots of water. If you haven’t been working out, START. Go for 30mins walk, find prenatal videos on YouTube like mine

Don’t be afraid to exercise except your doc advises otherwise

  1. Make one meal a FRUIT ONLY meal.

I was intentional about having a REALLY LIGHT dinner so I would do a BIG bowl of 2 to 3 fruits. Need some tips? Watermelon, Apples, Pineapples, Beetroot, etx. Those were my regulars either eaten whole or in a smoothie. Could be breakfast or Lunch for you, but whatever you do, keep one meal as fruits. It also ensures you get all those amazing nutrients in the fruits. Make your plate as colorful as possible.

I share some more tips on Prenatal Nutrition in my video on YouTube

Oh, and the most important thing is to PRAY PRAY PRAY baby!!! For you and your baby and as wide as possible.

Plus, my latest prenatal post on The Guardian talked on HEALTHY WEIGHT GAIN in pregnancy

While in The Lady’s room. I debunked those C-SECTION myths. Issa good read so please enjoy as you put your feet up

Plus, everything I say here doesn’t replace your Doctor’s medical advice so please make sure you check with your Doc first.

Finally, we have a Preggo squad where we provide support, meal plans, workouts, prayers and a beautiful community of fellow Preggos to rock your bump with you.

It costs N10000 for 4weeks, N25,000 for a trimester (12weeks) and N70,000 for the entire 40weeks.


Ok Preggos, see you next week Wednesday. If there is a topic you would like for me to talk about, please let me know mama.

Also, if you would like to feature on our Instagram @coachesquad either as a Preggo, New mom, let your baby be our baby crush, or share your labour and delivery testimony, holler too. We would LOVE to have you

Stay blessed mama




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