To speak to my squaddies recently, I brought my friend and sister girl, Ezinne, CEO of Somre Foods, your one stop shop for spices, seeds, and herbs that help you kick out all these UNHEALTHY and DANGEROUS MSG cubes. Through her expertise and education, Ezinne helped me kick MSG cubes away from my kitchen and […]
Hey Fitfam, I am excited about this post because I get to share from my experience as a Coach. I just published a post on where I shared how I had been self-sabotaging my emotions, thanks to feedback. How feedback was sabotaging my emotional health… Now again, thanks to feedback from my coaching, I […]
Being a mom is such a blessing. Even though I had a couple days of not connecting with my baby well enough as I was in the worst kind of pain from episiotomy and endless headaches from loosing so much blood, but after the initial blue feeling, you fall so deeply in love you wanna […]
“Eziaha eat ooo. You are a married woman. You are trying to be a model abi? You better eat…” Now that was one of my aunties speaking to me at my brother’s wedding recently, protesting about my lepa self. But I have to tell this other funny ‘Model’ story at this point. I was younger […]
I didn’t realise this was a thing even with me in some areas of my life Stinkin’ Shrinkin’ Thinkin’ I’ll call it a super limiting belief that instantly shuts down the heart and mind from taking those HARD steps that would ultimately lead to your TRANSFORMATION, in any area of your life this is needed. […]
Cos if MOMS get it RIGHT, the WHOLE FAMILY gets it right… Coach B of iFitness When I began my weightless journey from 106kg, I was a new mom, and in a long-distance marriage at the time. What it meant was that my husband wasn’t a part of my amazing weightless. He came home and […]