
Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM en-US JAN 2021 {Gen2} torrent Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM en-US JAN 2021 {Gen2}


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Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM from USA GEN 2021

Build version 20H2

* File:

* Size: 6.74 GB

* Format: ISO boot

* CRC32: 5f74e608

* MD5: b3fca8c69c9dc408873ef9fec2b9501c

* SHA-1: a6760a07ba3a963c4f8e41fb6f372e89b41c1edc

Integrated / pre-installed:

* Keep your battery updated:

* KB4598481

* Cumulative update:

* KB4598242

* NET Framework

* Cumulative update

* NET Framework and:

* KB4586876

SetupComplete / Post-Install:

* Defender Updates


* Run Windows 10 – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Pro – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Education – – STD / DLA

* Windows 10 Enterprise: STD / DLA

* STD = standard installation: for users with their own license key

* DLA = digital license activation (HWID)

* OEM: Activates automatically during installation

* same version in original equipment

* UEFI compatible

* division into UEFI (FAT32) support

* (Use the included Rufus USB utility to boot into UEFI.)

* Diagnostic and repair tool kit (only)

* Create a bootable USB stick with Rufus (highly recommended).

* (included) or slow to DVD-DL.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* Hope you enjoy this post.

* Hi,

* Generation2

Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM US Dec 2020

Build version 20H2

* File:

* Size: 6.22 GB

* Format: ISO boot

* CRC32: fdf7bd51

* MD5: e99af86a19d9076da05878ad3d0a2fef

* SHA-1: 184b4806360d9b00414d02b40760c1731656dfe8

Integrated / pre-installed:

* Keep your battery updated:

* KB4593175

* Cumulative update:

* KB4592438

* NET Framework

* Cumulative update

* NET Framework and:

* KB4586876

SetupComplete / Post-Install:

* Defender Updates


* Run Windows 10 – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Pro – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Education – – STD / DLA

* Windows 10 Enterprise: STD / DLA

* STD = standard installation: for users with their own license key

* DLA = digital license activation (HWID)

* OEM: Activates automatically during installation

* same version in original equipment

* UEFI compatible

* division into UEFI (FAT32) support

* (Use the included Rufus USB utility to boot into UEFI.)

* Create a bootable USB stick with Rufus (highly recommended).

* (included) or slow to DVD-DL.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* Hope you enjoy this post.

* Hi,

* Generation2

Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM en-US JAN 2021 {Gen2}

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