So, I wanna share a quick story on accountability and planning…
I came into 2020 ready to begin a Flexitarian diet. I had done my research and due diligence and was good to go. Please google to get more info on the flexi diet.

For the pace at which I blow and flow, I need my body functioning maximally. I literally cannot afford to be tired or weak. Animal protein for example is really not the best for the body, and milk was starting to have more control over me than it should because of its relative easy availability. Try plant based milk, and by the time I see what it costs me, both in money and time, I knew I won’t be PACKING it anyhow.
So yes, wanted to cut out dairy, and animal protein for this year.
A couple of weeks into the year, I started to struggle. The plan was to have animal protein and dairy a certain number of times a week, which I had stipulated for myself.
Then there was this week I messed up so bad I knew I better do something radically different than I practice if I was going to break through this beginning phase, which really is usually the toughest.
So I reached out to my friend, Ope, and asked her to please help me stay accountable.

Reaching Ope was not random. I chose her with some measure of intention
1. Ope embraces the fitfam lifestyle especially with her diet. Her eating is extremely impressive, and this is not because she wants to lose weight. It is because she wants to honor her body and be healthy
2. Ope is not a comedian. I have seen her be responsible about various areas of her life, including her spiritual life. I knew she could hold me to that high standard.
Let me share a screen shot of the challenge I wanted Ope to hold me accountable to

So yes, in addition, I also wanted to break my addiction to nuts so I cut off groundnut. Then decided on celery juice daily too.
I also made a plan.
Ah, failing to plan, is planning to fail, especially for this diet that is tough.
Because I wasn’t quite ready at the time for plant based milk, I cut off everything that demanded milk.
For salads, I ordered a whole bunch of fresh veggies and made plans to top up for those I could not keep in BULK and taught my help how to prep. My daily salad desire was a SUCCESS even before I started

I also had a lot of celery sticks so juicing daily was possible, cos my help had it on lockdown

For protein, besides my 4 eggs a week, I got mushrooms and later on, chick peas to ensure I didn’t go low on protein.
I also started making plans to invest in a stronger blender so I could make my coconut milk at home on a regular, but until then, I kissed cereals and oats goodbye. I only just finally got the blender so I am set to make a batch of coconut milk and store away.

Gosh, I miss cereal.
A LOT!!!
Side note: My family and I were in ice cream factory recently and everyone got ice cream and I was just like, can I do this no dairy for life? I mean, I can go very long stretches without animal protein (meat fish chicken) but ice cream? Haba. Well, by the end of February, I will determine what really would work for my JOY lol. For now, let me be eating my leaves like the wall décor says lol.

Ok so, like I was saying, my plans were solid.
I had also sought the help of God for this journey. No man makes it in life by sheer muscle oooo. By strength or willpower shall no man prevail.
So far, we are one week into our accountability and it has been AWESOME. No cheats or fails.
I really also don’t wanna be the one with excuses and confessions all the time, so knowing that I get to give a dally account to Ope keeps me on my A-game.
Could I have done it alone? Maybe yes, but it would have taken me way longer to get here. Getting someone to hold me accountable made my compliance faster.
Would I have done it without adequate planning? No. I would have failed after a couple days at best.
And would I have done it without God, while absolutely enjoying the journey?
So dear #JesusGirl, the Preacher was right when he said
It’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps, But if there’s no one to help, tough!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 MSG
When I get a partner to go at my fitfam goals with me, I tend to do better. Which is why our coaching programs are so successful. We literally become your accountability partner, cheering and supporting you all the way to your goals

But you must also be prepared to do the hard work, and then ask the Lord to crown your effort with good success.
This is the BEST year to live out your HEALTHIEST self, so you and your PHYSICAL BODY and strength can continue to say YES to our JESUS.
Excited to look around me and see more Jesus girls rocking out their Food, Faith and Fitness in a way that brings glory to God and makes them look and feel their absolute BEST too.

Another reason we launched the CoachE’ FIT Sisterhoods (CFS) where squaddies can keep walking each other home. So whether you are trying to lose weight, or need a group to help keep the weight off, we have an accountability system for you because we recognize that like any lifestyle change, weight loss can be harder when we walk alone.
To your healthiest self,