
Hey Fitfam,

Gosh, I LOVE this Post I am about to write. If I could, I would eat it.


Come with me.

First, a story.

As a student, I had spent the first 4 years of my life in University of Ibadan studying Pharmacy and then I failed so badly I was ‘advised’ to withdraw.

Let me put this failure in context: 

I was the first ever ‘Miss Pharmacy’

I won ‘Most Popular’ at least in one organization or society every single year in school.

I held two EXCO positions in my then campus fellowship, Winners CF.

My name is Eziaha. I was the only Eziaha in UI

Yawl, it was REAL lol.

Oh and at home, my parents were bringing the heat. They beat me shege, and basically took away all my privileges.

If at this point you are feeling sad for me, please don’t.

I was RELIEVED to be finally off the shackles of Pharmacy school. The last thing I felt was shame. I was relieved, even though it was painful to have lost 4 years. My mates were graduating or going to final year and I was going back to 200L.

That season had too many distractions so one of the BEST gifts I gave myself at the time was to move into a private, hella expensive hostel right on Campus. It was run by the CatholicChurch and when I tell you these ones had RULES, I mean it to the S. I was a very vibrant 21st century Pentecostal, who loved to attend church till late, pray in tongues out loud, and basically carry Jesus on my head

However, I NEEDED to be away from people asking too many questions and carrying all kinds of useless gist. A new life wasstarting for me in Sociology and I needed the peace and privacy that hostel would offer so I was more than happy to keep to the rules and conservative nature of the hostel. Plus we were barely 10 students there.

Ok, so during our orientation, I would never ever forget what one of the ‘sisters’ said to us.

She said typically we see a life of rules and all as a lack of freedom, and so it may look like they are taking away our responsibilities, but with FREEDOM comes RESPONSIBILITY.

Oh my. I need to say that again

With freedom comes responsibility.

How do we think that freedom means we can just do anything?

That freedom means there are no boundaries and so we can let loose and enjoy our lives.


As we mature into adults and we have more freedom, we know now that we need to be double responsible because of this thing called CONSEQUENCES.

Let’s get out of my Uni life and take this to weight loss and healthy lifestyle.

We get on a program and we complain of routine, restrictions and boundaries.

We feel stifled that we are not allowed to eat anything we want, and some Fitness Coaches and Companies do not help matters when they tell you that you can ‘eat anything you want and still lose weight’ if you get on their program or buy the ‘magic’ they are selling, all driven by pecuniary gains.

Me at 106kg Enjoying freedom without boundaries

But really Sweetheart, a life without BOUNDARIES is the last place you want to be. A life without boundaries is BONDAGE.

We all need boundaries and sometimes, it can truly feel like a Prison, but it will give you true freedom in the end. A life without boundaries all around scares me totally.

All the while you were eating without boundaries and enjoying what you thought was ‘freedom’, where did it get you?

So why do we want to now lose the weight and expect the same process that caused us to gain weight in the first place?

With freedom comes responsibility and this is how mature people roll.

I love love love this scripture

“For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father.”

John 10:17-18 NIV

Do you see that?

Jesus was FREE but He used His freedom RESPONSIBLY and in obedience to God

You see where He said NO ONE takes it from me.

So even those crucifying Him were very wrong to think they actually killed Him. No, He laid down His life. He could have kept it but He willingly did the HARD THING because that was what the Father expected of Him

This is how I like to live my life. I have complete authority over my life BUT I choose to put boundaries everywhere so I can live and lead a more productive and healthy life.

Me at my ideal weight enjoying freedom with boundaries

I have the POWER to buy a bottle of groundnuts and finish it, but I RESTRAIN myself to eat a portion and keep the rest.

If I finish it, you will not beat me, but to my freedom, I add responsibility.

I have the POWER to sleep for 10 – 12 hours every night, but I DISCIPLINE myself and let my hours of sleep be guided by the vision of my life.

I have the POWER to chat, gist, Netflix and chill, and scroll through social media all day and nobody will do anything to me, BUT I am RESPONSIBLE enough to let my hours be driven by a Vision

You too have the power to throw down on junk food daily. Heck, you can afford it, and sometimes it is even free, perks of being a baby girl at work lol.

You have the power to never work out in your life.

You have the power to never portion control anything. You want 4 servings, you go for it.

This life is one and you cannot kill yourself

I agree. You have the POWER and FREEDOM, but are you going to choose RESPONSIBLY and in OBEDIENCE to Jesus and His purpose for your life.

You do not need a Coach, Mentor, or your mama to keep you on track. You are an adult. Choose responsibly.

I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should…

1 Corinthians 9:27a NLT

One of the English translations of the Greek word ENKRATEIAwhich means discipline/self-control, is SELF GOVERN or MASTERY.

Meaning that I am my own Governor and Politician.


So before we insult any of our politicians again, please ask yourself how you are governing your own self.

Cheers to living our BEST lives as #JesusGirls in the beautiful, liberating world of boundaries.

And just in case you wondered, I enjoyed my one year in the Catholic hostel, I kept their rules, I loved all the benefits it offered me in that season, and I learned so much from that beautiful, intimate, boundaried life.

I would later graduate from Sociology as the BEST GRADUATING student, with a First Class too.


Love, Discipline and a whole lotta prayers!!!



Aside from this blog that I run for fitness-related topics, I run two other blogs; for God’s domestic queen where I share my journey as a wife and mom, productivity tips, and all the resources you need to rock out your season! a faith-based where I blog about faith, friendship and mentoring.


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If you enjoyed reading this kindly help us share on any platform you share stuff especially on your social media and with friends.

Let’s spread this wisdom together, thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

12 Responses

  1. Thank you for this. This is actually my word for this season . As I heard clearly that Boundaries is a good thing. So this just further proved that point.

  2. boundaries can also be put as self restrain.
    1 cor 10 v 23 NIV
    You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.

    BTW when are we starting our Halak Palak this year. i went for a walk and i missed the praying from the other Sister and a world from the throne for my week.

  3. This is really great ma. My favorite point is “I have the POWER to sleep for 10 – 12 hours every night, but I DISCIPLINE myself and let my hours of sleep be guided by the vision of my life”.

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