
Hey yawl…

I was looking at my 4 weeks transformation over the weekend and I was just blown away…

Me in church on Sunday…

I have missed the feeling you get when you are smashing your weight loss goals sha…

I am so jealous of every squaddie I have run on my page per transformation pix. It is a great feeling I tell ya…

Btw I must apologise for seemingly going AWOL

It was an intense week and weekend and I like to prioritize family and a few other stuff over blogging and social media, so my priorities aren’t twisted

So on to my results

Still no scale.

Didn’t buy a new one like I thought I would. But this week I am making effort to so no excuses by weekend…

(Sunday morning workout)

But I did pictures and inches measure and dang

Started at 35inches 4 weeks ago on my waist line and now, I am a crazy 29.3 (was 29.8 by week 3)

So almost 6 whole inches gone from my waist line…

I will give this one more week to hit 29, then I will start to tone…

My goal is now 27inches on my waist…

My hips were 45inches when we started and by week 4 it was 42. So, 3 whole inches in 4 weeks.

Interestingly, 42 is a bit ideal for me, but I prefer 40 so let’s go there Chilllleeeeee

You see, this has taught me something about the scale. It can fail you, and I am not saying fail per not giving you the results you think you deserve, but fail as in malfunction, but a tape measure and pictures are pretty much going to always be there for you, so track them all
Track it all baby
Track it all

(Saturday morning run)

This new week, I intend to skip daily and see how much more fat I can burn, cos next week which will be my 6th week, I will want to start toning as I start a whole new challenge for myself. My skipping rope is weighted so it burns fat and tones your arms. It is tougher tho but works

Got mine at Ikeja under bridge but any gym shops sells it…

Ok now, on to treats…

You MUST never embark on a weight loss journey without TREATS at regular intervals

My new rule…

I told myself that when I hit 5kg off, I would go treat myself to amala somewhere, or my regular pizza and ice cream.

But without a scale, I haven’t been able to do that.

By this weekend, I just vexed and decided that Saturday was my treat day…
I advocate treat meals as opposed to treat days cos some people don’t know when to stop, but I do, so I had treats all day…

Frankly I was kinda forcing myself sef

Had a very tiny slice of the same chocolate cake but still, it didn’t sit well with me
Had fried yam, fried potatoes and egg sauce made with palm oil…

Sorry no pix…

I know I am on a no meats diet but I made these super peppered snails and ponmo for hubby and it was SO GOOD so I had 2 tiny pieces of snail and one eating spoon of ponmo…

I also had cocoa pops cereal.

That was basically all for that Saturday

Dunno if this qualifies for a treat but it was for me
Plus, I also planned to eat hot coconut bread on Sunday…
Which I did.

We bought coconut and sardine bread from that mobile bakery I spoke about 4 weeks ago, and cos it wasn’t so hot, just warm I didn’t really enjoy it…
That served as Lunch tho

Hubby was to take me to get ice-cream and pizza, actually a family treat after cell meeting that night but I changed my mind

First, I felt I had had enough treating for a weekend and it was time to stop

Secondly, I knew the ice cream would have knocked me out and Mondays are not the day to wake up with a hangover…

I enjoy my ice cream decadent and so I have it all when it comes to ice cream toppings and treats…

It didn’t seem worth it. Frankly aside the bread, all I had was 2 eggs and a cucumber cos I was saving my calories for the ice cream but I let it go…

I also know that weight is so easy to gain and hard to lose…

Abeg, let me not set up myself for heart break this weekend when I weigh. Worked too hard these past 4 weeks

But really, put in your treats on your weight loss

I do, and it takes discipline cos it can be like opening a faulty tap if you are not careful. It just flows and flows and flows and can’t stop again…

So, some people move from a treat meal to a treat day, a treat weekend and an extra 3 to 5 kg gained from it.

I am typing this Monday morning and I have truly reset. Infact I may do a fruits and veggies only detox today to cleanse my system from the simple white bread and its emptiness lol

I have started my day already with green tea, oolong tea, my special tummy blasting secret potion (lol all from my kitchen please) and water, while I start my work week…

My workout will be skips this morning and maybe a video or walk or run tonight…

I wanna challenge myself to morning and night workout and the first place the battle has been won is in my mind already.

Have a great week guys and if you wanted to sign up for my weight loss as we end the year, Nov 4 squad is the next and registration is ongoing and getting full so holler..

I am overhauling a lot of things so I am bringing my A1 game as we finish fat to finish the year STRONG!!!

We are on Ig @coachesquad

So proud of all the hardwork my squaddies are putting in and the results they are getting…


CoachE’ and her boys…

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