Cos if MOMS get it RIGHT, the WHOLE FAMILY gets it right… Coach B of iFitness
When I began my weightless journey from 106kg, I was a new mom, and in a long-distance marriage at the time. What it meant was that my husband wasn’t a part of my amazing weightless. He came home and literally was ROOTED to the spot when he saw me in flesh.
But even then, he didn’t immediately JUMP into clean eating and working out daily. Matter of fact, he still yabbed me as I ate my fitfam stuff, and always warned me to make sure he gets oil in his soups and porridges. All these ‘oil-free’ wasn’t for him. When I worked out, he would yab me and say it is my punishment for overeating, but he had no need cos he was fit.
Recently though, without me directly saying a word to him, the dude started to skip heavy dinners (like pounded yam and egusi soup), requesting fruits or nothing. Then he said he would also love to join me to work out at nights, but I gotta keep routines simple (I admit that I have been known to get people from ZERO to Jillian Michaels level haha).
Then I suddenly noticed that he had stopped buying all those packaged juices or malt drinks, and instead would request for zobo and tiger nut milk. I had to invest in a SOLID blender and then Electric cooker so I always have both available, without wasting my gas for making zobo all the time.
The drinks we used for my son’s dedication which remained are still in my house 6months later, and he has not requested for them.
It is amazing watching my hubby transform.
My babies though, they didn’t need to transform. I have TOTAL control over what they eat and so this term, I struck off any packaged drink from his lunch box and wiped noodles out of both their diets. Like his father, tiger nut milk, zobo and water are the way to go, with those drinks featuring less and less in our home.

To think that I used to be QUEEN in the past of junk, sugar filled liquid calories and so on, but today I am QUEEN at helping my family, the ones I am privileged to serve make HEALTHIER food and lifestyle options.
I fear to think what my home would have been like if I didn’t change and lose weight. I really shudder.
Moms, you have work to do, and it begins with you. No worries if at first you are the only one, you keep at it, keep showing an example. YOU ARE TOO POWERFUL and soon, they will catch on. Plus, don’t be afraid to begin to make tiny investments here and there as you change the unhealthy narrative. Once God sees your heart, He begins to make a way for you and give you ideas that suit your own home.
How beautiful to know that you are feeding your family life giving and nutrient packed meals from your kitchen, as opposed to empty calories and chemical packed foods. Wow.
Truly, if moms get it right, the whole family gets it right.
Btw, that quote was something I heard from CoachB of i-Fitness, and I have her permission to use it in my blog
Weekend kisses and cheers for healthy choices…
With love,
Thanks Coach. Your articles are always a blessing
Awwwn thanks so much Racheal