What exactly goes on within our squads?
How do we coach?
How do we get people committed to eating clean and working out CONSISTENTLY?
What is the secret to our successful squads and soar away results?
Well, we scooped & served some “Inside the #JesusGirlsFitness squads” gist.
Questions answered…
You are welcome
Yaaayy! This beautiful day, we bring you exclusive gist and inside info from our amazing squads. This should inspire you to fasten your fitfam belt and keep going, and if weight loss is a goal for you, AND you want to have fun rocking it out, you are most welcome to join our squads and plunge into the ocean of the beautiful life that healthy living is, already. Lol

Okay, today we’re looking at healthy and balanced food portions, unbelievable ginger pouring out of our squaddies into their workout and in fact this whole thing called intentionality and so much more.
Shoe laces ? tied. We move….
First, talk about healthy portions and take a look at this combination right here.

And lol, we don’t slack in ‘harassing’ our squaddies to replace heaping plates of food with healthy veggies, because what’s a meal without a supple amount of veggies.

Still, all we do isn’t just eat eat eat oo. Any man striving for anything worthwhile is temperate for sure, so we equally fast some meals or even do a complete fast in the squads.
YES, we are all about being STRONG IN SPIRIT while also HEALTHY IN BODY
Like you pro’bly already know, accountability is one of our strongest features and below, we followed up on some of our squaddies who have graduated. They’re still going on strong with all they learnt and practised within the squads. Such a joy!
Oh and hydration.
We can’t drink too much water so we regularly remind
Our squaddies fluid a whole lot and apart from water, incorporate nutritious smoothies and juices into their meals. Just take a look at all that orange and green
Did I mention the encouragement and partnership that I’m super proud of? And I’m not just talking that of my team and I, the squaddies equally fire up one another to do such hard things and move towards all their goals.
Hey Gold medal
Absolutely love it.
Ready to open up the doors so we also coach you to results? Then don’t fail to join our new squad which begins this Sunday, April 10th.
The BEST part of this blog is that part that you get to experience when you join us, so come on in…
https://wa.me/09055868614 is the link that gets you chatting with us…
Now wait a minute, did that almost sound like CoachE’? Or it completely did. Well, this is not CoachE’. This is Vivian and I just joined CoachE’s #JesusGirlsFitness ‘Team Banah’. Thanks for riding with me on this one.
To your healththe VERY BEST one