So great news to start this Blog post, the Wellness Champions in audio is out!!! I have such a funny story to kick off this blog! So, while I was in the studio recording the audiobook for The Wellness Champions, I had to do the introduction—you know, the part where I introduce the book and […]
So let’s be real—healthy eating can feel pricey. But here’s the good news: What if I told you there’s a way to eat healthy without compromising on taste, nutrition, or breaking the bank? Because while healthy living can be expensive, there are tools and mindset shifts that can help you rock a healthy lifestyle on […]
Happy New Year, people! 🎉 Are we still saying Happy New Year? Oh, yes, we are! I’m starting this blog with the same prayer John prayed in 3 John 2. He said, “I pray that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” What a powerful three-tier prayer—healthy in body, strong […]
When Jesus spoke in Matthew 24:24, He gave us a clear warning about deception:“False messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.” The Message version puts it bluntly:“Imposters with impressive credentials and bewitching performances will pull the wool over the […]
Question:1) Please can we meet you? Your name, location, number of kids. Hobby? Answer:Hello everyone, my name is GLORY ABALI. I’m a wife, a mother Of 1, I reside in portharcourt. And i love to read. Question:2) When did you join the program ? And why? Details of something that happened that made you decide […]
1 Kings 17 v 6 The birds brought Elijah bread and meat every morning and every evening. And he drank water from the brook… I said let me just start with the scripture evidence, then a back story and then put some more flesh (with some healthy disclaimers) to support my call to Believers that […]
N.B This post was first published in 2020 Hey Fitfam, I am excited about this post because I get to share from my experience as a Coach. I just published a post on where I shared how I had been self-sabotaging my emotions, thanks to feedback. How feedback was sabotaging my emotional health… Now […]
N.B This post was first published in this blog on November 2021. If you’re trying to lose weight, I hope the wisdom shared in this blog will help you do so in the best possible way. Coach, can I lose 10kg in 4weeks? I saw the document you sent, but it is too long. Can […]
What are you craving? We typically associate cravings with unhealthy foods and junk, like ice cream, pizza and the likes. We don’t really hear people say ‘I’m craving an avocado or kale salad, or green juice or smoothie’ Well, except me. Imagine this, There’s you trading in sodas, sweets, biscuits, noodles, pastries, fried foods and […]
Skip the LIES, know the TRUTH about Weightloss. You’re welcome. Shalom Shalom Jesus Girls. Let’s come together for a quick read. It’s #TeamCoachE‘ hereeee. I have the honour to write this today. CoachE’ recently released a YouTube video – Don’t Believe These Lies! You deserve to know These TRUTHS!! On your journey to sustainable weightloss […]