
Every other week, I bring in a Squaddie with amazing results to come speak to the current squaddies in a bid to motivate them.

Here are points from Suzanne’s story.

We’d be doing this in exactly the Q & A format btw my squaddies and Linda.

Let’s dive in!

Squaddies: Tell us about your weight loss journey

Suzanne: My name is Suzanne,

I have never really been skinny nor fat person up until when I had an accident and broke my femur bone.

I was immobile for months and as expected the weight began to pile. Till it became a major problem to my recovery after surgeries. I was advised by Drs to loose weight in order to take too much pressure off the bones that were trying to mend

It was situation I knew i couldn’t handle myself, I needed help and the right guidance. So I brought in the big guns- CoachE’

With her coaching/help I was able to lose about 20kg in a little over 3 months… It was quite challenging especially the exercising part. I remembering asking Coach E’ to give me upper body exercises as I couldn’t really do lower body exercises.



The meal plans was the real goldmine in my case. I was brutal with eating clean because CoachE’ had drummed it into our ears that our meals were very important. And we could work out all want but if we do not eat clean, it would all be for nothing, a complete wasted effort

Squaddie: Welcome Suzanne. Thank you for sharing with us today. I agree exercising is only a small portion of the journey. How have you been able to maintain the loss since leaving the program?

Suzanne: Same way as I did while in the program; eating right and exercising.

Another thing that really helped with this is that a couple of us in the program then formed a WhatsApp Support group, where we help keep each other in line and stay accountable.

Squaddie: Did u ever feel like giving up at any point

Suzanne: Ahhhh. Haven’t we all been there??‍♀️

Many times my sister but my motivation were my health and wellbeing, it was dependent on me losing weight

And up to date my health is main motivation, when I add weight I don’t feel so good, I break out too…. but I can’t deny I also have vain motivations, I like to look in the mirror and say “Damn I am a hot yummy mummy”?



Squaddie: That is my goal as well ooo

Suzanne: It is a very achievable goal and consistency is key

Squaddie: Thank Suzanne for your encouragement!

The end!!!

Real DROP MIC moment, well done Linda!!!

Super Proud of You!

Want to bring healthy back too?

Sign up our second half of the year FAT LOSS program… HARPAZO!!!



And this is not just a weight loss program, I want everyone to have an EXPERIENCE while being HARPAZO’ed from fat.

I love this other definition of RAPTURE

Rapture: Ecstatic JOY or delight. Joyful ecstasy.

So while we are SNATCHING you from the claws of FAT, I want to make sure you are experiencing ECSTASY!!!

We also offer tailored plans with our private coaching


And nursing moms

And a whole lot more, read more about Harpazo here


It’s gets even better;

In the first 2 weeks of HARPAZO, we would be doing a different kind of DETOX, which we are calling


CoachE’s Well-watered Garden.


If you don’t want to sign up for HARPAZO but just need a quick DETOX, then I gotcha. We are launching it too as a STAND ALONE program

Read more details about Gan-RavehI here

GAN-RAVEH… CoachE’s Well watered DETOX Garden

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