
You just clocked the BIG 3 0. Maybe 2 5. Maybe  2 0, Maybe 40. Or more.

Maybe a health scare just hit you or your family and the Doctor says it is time to UPGRADE your lifestyle, both food and exercising inclusive. Well, here are five upgrades we need to bring to our lives RIGHT NOW so that we can live longer, happier and healthier lives, without needing to have our Doctors on speed dial.


Ready, set, UPGRADE





Yes, I am starting with this because we all need to embrace the wonderful life of exercising as a lifestyle, not just for weight loss. I am TIRED of Saints working out ONLY when they want to lose weight.


There are countless benefits to working out (of which I share 5 on my stay at home moms blog here. (Need strength? 5 reasons to work out, beyond ‘losing weight’)

So, please if you can AFFORD to join a gym, by all means do, and actually SHOW UP there.




I know a lot of us have bad gym experiences, but it is YOUR fault, not the Gym’s. You were not strategic about how you engaged it, which is why I did this video on YT to tell us how to TRULY get the VERY BEST out of the Gym, should you decide to sign up for one.


How to TRULY get the VERY BEST out of the Gym


Please let’s upgrade to working out as a lifestyle!!!

Of course, this is a good time to talk about ChaYAH Wholeness where we help you overhaul and upgrade



ChaYAH Wholeness, your premium lifestyle Overhaul&Upgrade.

Download Fun sheet here




I used to be SO GUILTY of this. I would sleep for 3 hours or max 4 hours most days of the week, and while I cannot say that my health has suffered in a  way that I know, I however don’t want to keep cheating my body.

Everything happens better after a good night rest, both in sleep quality and quantity, and while you may not be able to sleep 8hours every night, you should definitely have nights where you catch up on lost sleep every week, PLUS plan your life better so that you can sleep longer. A lot of times, what stops us from sleeping longer is DISTRACTIONS not just that we are working hard.

Because think about it, if we sleep for 8hours, we have 16 hours left. MOST of us, if we starve distractions, can truly maximize those 16 hours to include ample time to nurture our faith, do great work at our vocation, invest in personal development, have time for family and the important relationships in our lives, and even a few power naps in the course of the day. What is really fighting our sleep is DISTRACTIONS not PRODUCTIVITY or BUSYNESS.


(Psssst: In my YT video here where I share REASONS why you need to sleep for 8 hours. Trust me, it will be such an eye-opener and permission for you)



So please, sleep. Invest in anything that gives you MORE QUALITY SLEEP and starve off anything that fights your sleep!!!

And please. Stop endlessly scrolling when you should be sleeping!!! Stop letting Silicon valley monetize your eyeballs (Yes, it is a THING)




We don’t give BOREDOM the credit and rep it deserves honestly. In fact, boredom is seen as a bad thing, meanwhile, our bodies and brains, and minds were not made to keep going going going non-stop. We all need LITERALLY a minute to THINK!!! (Thanks Juliet Funt)




My leadership hero Craig Groeschel is writing a new book on productivity for 2022 and he said one of the titles they rolled around in their heads was BORE YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS.

This over-activity and over-engaged life is not doing us any good, please.

Schedule times for NOTHING on that over-booked calendar of yours and give your mind ample margin to come up with anything, without necessarily giving it any work to do.

Who knows what magic we would come up with.


I did a video on QUIET TIME for kids, but we all NEED quiet time scheduled into our day, even as adults.



*RAW* 5 tips to rock out QUIET with your kids

So say NO to the life where 24/7 you are busy and embrace WHITE SPACE every now and then.

And for Pete’s sake, drop the damn phone!!!

You are welcome!!!



Now, I am not saying be irresponsible, NOPE!!! But I am saying feel free to break some rules that were not created to be the standard, but somehow have become the standard, and create new rules for your life that truly allow you to THRIVE.

I am not saying become a rebel, and a difficult person to lead, but rather give yourself PERMISSION to look for alternatives and if they work, please apply it.

BUILD a life you REALLY love using the right raw materials of course like GODLINESS, faith, character, discipline, empathy, love, mentoring, wisdom, and the likes.

I am ready to see what magic comes out of our lives when we stop being blind copycats!!! Or worse still, being afraid of standing out and being different!!!


That’s why we created ChaYAH Wholeness… I was so tired of doing things how it has always been done and was ready to see what magic happens when we give people the tools, take away the pressure, and just BUILD.




(If you are interested in seeing some of the mistakes I made while coaching in the past, its all here)

5 Coaching Mistakes I Have Made


5. READ MORE BOOKS! (especially on your health)

I once heard Mrs Jumoke Adenowo say books are a crystallization of a person’s best thoughts.

Ok, you cant afford vacations outside your country or state of abode? Let your imagination take you places.

You can’t afford one-on-one time with the people you admire? Hang out virtually with them on the pages of their books

Lacking knowledge in anything? Find a book and fill that gap

Is your health falling apart?

Then find books and articles and gain knowledge that keeps you informed and alive. My blog here is a great resource. Go back and read old articles, or use the search button to find relevant posts. My YT channel too




Just be sure to filter it all with the help of the Holy Spirit.

There you go. 5 of the many life upgrades YOU are ready to bring into your life NOW

Which will you be applying RIGHT NOW? Share share share in comments below.

And remember to check out the YT video on how to rock out the Gym, because there is no need upgrading to the gym if you haven’t upgraded your wisdom to know how to rock it out and get bang for your buck and time



How to rock out the Gym


And if you need help upgrading your diet and lifestyle, ChaYAH Wholeness is the ONLY program you will EVER NEED.


Your UPGRADE starts now.

Cheers to it



President, Jesus Girls’ Nation



If you have some time. I have two other posts this week on my Faith and Domestic Queen blogs. You can find them here


Need strength? 5 reasons to work out, beyond ‘losing weight’

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A better LEGACY, for today, for tomorrow, for our children

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