I once coached a Client, a medical Doctor, whose health challenges had led her to us, but despite our best efforts, kept failing. One day, she vulnerably told me how she literally grew up on junk food, as her mom would replace real food she rejected with pastries and the likes. That battle I was trying to win was over 30years old.
I didn’t couldn’t win!
I however RESOLVED to do BETTER by my kids as anything less would be sin.
A healthy life of wholeness is one of the BEST legacies we can leave for our children. The opposite of that, would be an (avoidable) life of sickness, with unnecessary hospital visits.
It’s WHOLENESS for our children, for today and for tomorrow.
Hey Mommy Citizens,
Ah, I am SO THRILLED to share this baby I have been working on for a while now with you. Like you, I am obsessed in a healthy way with my children, wanting to do as much as I can for them, as a good steward of this assignment.
Which is why we at Jesus Girls’ Nation, former CoachE’Squad Ltd. are PUMPED to introduce;
A better LEGACY… for today, for tomorrow, for our children
I define LEGACY as ‘something valuable left by someone valuable to valuable recipients, lasting through generations.’
This program is for moms ready to lay the foundation of a healthy legacy for their kids.
A better LEGACY would hand moms, in 10weeks, practical tools and alternatives in a world that both normalizes and glorifies junk, giving you the deeper convictions needed to stand your ground. It promises an exciting, effective, and unforgettable experience for you and your kids, while bringing sustainable results.
Think creative substitutions instead of elimination
Think strengthening activities instead of hard
Think LEGACY… for today, for tomorrow, for our children
How will LEGACY run?
All the A’s to your Q’s can be found in this document which we have prepared, that you can download and enjoy right now
1st Stream: Sunday, October 17 to Friday December 24
2nd Stream: Sunday, October 24 to Friday, December 31
Registration is open.
Email coache@coache.ng or whatsapp 09055868614
Now I want you to meet your LEGACY Coach and President, Jesus Girls’ Nation.
Hey Sister,
My name is Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo (CoachE’), a wife and mom of two boys, and I am SO excited to take you on this journey especially because it is very personal to me.
In 2015, following the birth of my first son, I gained a whooping 40kg and on my post-partum weight loss journey, lost 30kg in about 4 months. With my second pregnancy, I gained just under 12kg. Six years later (and counting), I have maintained all the good I gained, and have kept the bad habits away. For over 5years, I have had incredible results helping women lose weight and bring healthy back.
I also was once a sweet tooth, with about 10 of my teeth ‘testifying’, from root canal therapy, to extractions, and fillings. I have been there, done that. I can’t even keep the tee-shirt.
Thankfully, I put the brakes in and decided I didn’t want my kids to suffer from anything I had suffered from – unhealthy habits, or health challenges that could be avoided.
I wanted to leave a BETTER LEGACY for them.
I have literally been militant about ensuring that my children and family embrace a MOSTLY healthy diet (hey, there is ALWAYS room for ice cream in my home once in a while hehe). My kids truly enjoy their fruits and vegetables, and mostly think ‘fruits’ when you say ‘snacks’. They have NEVER been to the hospital for treatment of disease.
From eliminating stock cubes, white rice, pasta, processed swallows, and microwaves, to rocking out 90% plant-based milk for my kids, little to zero cereals, more real food, no junk in lunch box, water water and water only to school, fresh and healthy drinks and juices, highly controlled portions of chocolates and biscuits, and loving books with minimal screen time, I can CONFIDENTLY tell you that by God’s grace, my kids are thriving, and I am leaving a BETTER LEGACY for them, like you too will.
So, while I save money directly from shopping and eating healthy at home, I also get to save money (and time and emotions) indirectly by eliminating avoidable hospital visits. And it is my honor and privilege to invite you to the BETTER LEGACY Club with wide-open arms and love.
But hey, no pressure. It took me years to get here. You won’t get here in 10weeks, but this is a GREAT and honestly, the BEST foundation you can have.
I would also be working with Domestic Queens, that is moms like you and I, so that we can have a richer experience on this LEGACY journey.
Here is a snapshot of my story and my kids’ better legacy
See you in ‘the Nation’
To the BEST LEGACY ever,
President, Jesus Girls’ Nation
There are other Programs we offer at Jesus Girls’ Nation and you can get details of ChaYAH Wholeness here
ChaYAH Wholeness, Your premium lifestyle Overhaul&Upgrade
You can follow my mummy blog www.stayhomemoms.ng and join my mailing list for Moms and Domestic Queens here as I share amazing content that can help you leave a better legacy all round for your kids
And on YouTube, I just shared a video on 5 reasons you want to do better with your kids diet and lifestyle