Wow! Those guys at the Maine Institution really know their onions. I love how they broke down practically what and how school age children should be fed. Affordable child nutrition is their goal they made it possible. I also noticed that sponsors (parents) where reimbursed almost 95% of what they paid for the meals, this […]
Despite childhood obesity being a global challenge, wins have been almost non-existent when it comes to pushing it back. However, Brighton, a city in England has experienced a downward trend in childhood obesity rates compared to national figures. This beautiful study gives us some insight as to how their multi-faceted approach including things like checking […]
Since I am coming for all your fried foods, I figured I would start with two stories I was on the world’s immediate source of breaking news TWITTER sometime last year, and as was my custom, I would go through the tweets of those Twitter Doctors giving us correct free and valuable info. Don’t recall […]
N.B This post was first published in 2020 Hey Fitfam, I am excited about this post because I get to share from my experience as a Coach. I just published a post on where I shared how I had been self-sabotaging my emotions, thanks to feedback. How feedback was sabotaging my emotional health… Now […]
NB. This post was first published on this blog in April 2021 I know you love your babies, and you want to leave a legacy of good health, generational wealth, and a life dripping with WHOLENESS. I desperately want that for you too, and so drawing from one of our CORE VALUES at #JesusGirlsFitness, LEGACY, this […]
Shalom shalom Jesus Girls’ As a health coach one of the things that I truly have a lot of passion, and now a growing expertise in, is HEALTH MINDSET and HABITS I don’t only want to give you results in your body, I also want to give you results in your mind by changing the […]
N.B This post was first published in this blog on July 2020. It was some almost 4years ago I first encountered Nneka Kyari at a prophetic motherhood event I attended put together by my super mentor DDK. She had come to share her journey from infertility to fruitfulness. Having waited for some years and could […]
I TRULY desire that you live your BEST LIFE we both deserve to. It’s a major goal for me and I’m always going for knowledge and applying as led by the Holy Spirit. Whatever I apply and works for me I love to shareeeee lol. I was recently at a wellness event organized by my […]