I wrote this book around April 2016. This is not a story that I share alot because I don’t want to pressure anybody to thinking they can have this kind of result. If you read the book I share my story, but my story is my story and I want you to read the book. However, I want you to create your own beautiful transformation story, using the principles of hardwork, consistency, patience, learning, relearning, unlearning, honesty and every other thing that I share as my Principles that led me to the results that I have. I know that if you apply it you will have your own results whatever they are, but please no pressure. Here’s an excerpt from the book and the details on how to download it right afterwards.

Did you enjoy reading? You can get FREE access to it on E’Zivah my ebook reader App.
If you are an IOS USER, get it for FREE HERE
And if you are an ANDROID USER, Get it for FREE HERE and feel free to check my other books, including my Devotional SPIRITED on my ebook reader App, E’Zivah.

Also,Dear JesusGirl, Do you know that you don’t have to leave out God on your weight loss Journey? Do you even know that your weight loss Journey is not mundane to God? My 40 days Devotional *SPIRITED* is your guide to making your weight loss Journey a ride with Jesus, because you can have both.
It’s available on E’Zivah.
Your Coach,
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Purchase my latest devotional, #BoysOlorun, for raising kids who love Jesus, and are well-behaved.
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