
25 & above? Five Lifestyle upgrades we all need

You just clocked the BIG 3 0. Maybe 2 5. Maybe  2 0, Maybe 40. Or more. Maybe a health scare just hit you or your family and the Doctor says it is time to UPGRADE your lifestyle, both food and exercising inclusive. Well, here are five upgrades we need to bring to our lives […]

Farm to Table; 5 simple Farm2Table meals to introduce NOW to your kids

FED TO FAILThat’s the title of the UNICEF article my friend Adenike sent me and in her words ‘This is not just the Gospel according to CoachE’. UNICEF agrees too’Citizens, we can certainly do better and in this blog, I wanna share with you five simple meals you can feed your kids, from literally after […]

5 mistakes we make on our healthy living journey

You start, You WIN, You STOP!!!You lose 5kg and next you gain 10kg and feel so deflated you resort to a life of unhealthy fat.You low-key beef and are jealous of people who seem to be winning, but you don’t think this is for you Well, maybe you have been making some mistakes, and hopefully […]

ChaYAH Wholeness, your premium lifestyle Overhaul&Upgrade.

If your primary goal is ‘weight loss’, then I apologize ChaYAH Wholeness is NOT FOR YOU. If however, you are ready to completely OVERHAUL and UPGRADE your lifestyle and health, then Congratulations, Sister, YOU have found The ONE. ChaYAH Wholeness is your PREMIUM lifestyle ‘Overhaul&Upgrade’, with a goal to get you PERMANENTLY on the healthy […]

A better LEGACY, for today, for tomorrow, for our children

I once coached a Client, a medical Doctor, whose health challenges had led her to us, but despite our best efforts, kept failing. One day, she vulnerably told me how she literally grew up on junk food, as her mom would replace real food she rejected with pastries and the likes. That battle I was […]

Swapping Unhealthy For Healthy? 5 Sure Ways To WIN, SUSTAIN and ENJOY the ride

Transitioning to the ‘FitFam life’ aka the GOOD LIFE, aka the BEST KIND OF LIFE for Saints like you and I can be hard for EVERYONE. And that is perfectly understandable because for many many years, we were schooled in the opposite direction so everything will fight against us repenting and going back to the […]

Too MUCH Food? 5 ways to DETHRONE ‘King Stomach’

I really do think that slowly, subtly and SURELY, we have let food creep out of the kitchen and dining table, to now permeate every area of our lives. Basically, we have normalized being FOODIES, even jokingly. While it may seem like a joke, or ‘no big deal’, satan has jumped in on our over […]

Trying To Conceive?, Let’s Look Into Your LIFESTYLE Babes

It was some almost 4years ago I first encountered Nneka Kyari at a prophetic motherhood event I attended put together by my super mentor DDK. She had come to share her journey from infertility to fruitfulness. Having waited for some years and could not conceive. At some point, she decides she is going to give […]

High Powered Blender OR a Food Processor? Which do I invest in first

I got this question from a Squaddie and I wanted to bring the answer to my online FitFamily Hello Coach, Please which would you recommend: A high-powered blender or a food processor? I want something I can use to blend nuts into butter and milk, beans to paste and dry mill blending. Hello my sweet […]

Your #JesusGirlsFitness CoachE Is Back!!!

Hey FitFam Ah, been a WHOLE minute here Or make that TWO WHOLE MONTHS!!! ? Even though I honestly needed it, I ought to have said it BEFORE going AWOL A lot has happened since I last wrote here, including my 35th birthday and party Programs here and there at #JesusGirlsFitness We even launched the […]