For instance, if a child comes to school with rice, 4 full fried sausage and a big lap of chicken, to me it’s food abuse. And we have to put up with the fact that the mother would complain if the child doesn’t finish the meal. So we have to talk about portion control in […]
About CoachE’Nation Ltd. We are a dynamic and fast-growing Health Coaching company, with expertise in weight loss, health mindset, habits and Child Nutrition. We have two CORE Units, which cover Coaching our paying Citizens (both private and group), and Content Creation for our digital channels reaching a global audience. We are headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria, […]
Today, we’ll be interviewing an Educator from Poland and as always it’ll be really informing. Enjoy the interview! 1. Please tell us your name, where you currently teach years on the job and how you got into the beautiful world of education Answer My name is Wioleta Emmanuel Nnabue, I have been involved in education […]
NB; This post was originally published on November 21, 2021 “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King Truth only, and in this blog, I want to share five magical nuggets I have gained and have been applying to my life, with good results, from five amazing books on parenting I have read. Read […]
N.B This post was first published on this blog in October 2021 FED TO FAIL That’s the title of the UNICEF article my friend Adenike sent me and in her words ‘This is not just the Gospel according to CoachE’. UNICEF agrees too’ Fed to fail? Not you, Chileeeeeeee In this blog I will be sharing […]
Hello you, welcome to my blog. NB. This post was first published on this blog on September 20, 2022 By now you know I am a passionate Leader who’s equally passionate about raising leaders. And all thanks to my Leadership hero, Craig Groeschel who keeps giving amazing leadership wisdom on his podcast. Check out Craig Groeschel […]
Yes, food has a negative or positive effect on children. For instance, lots of fatty foods and protein-rich foods make a down syndrome child susceptible to obesity. On the other hand, foods with high sugar content have negative effects on autistic children because lots of sugar makes them more energetic and hyperactive, so they’ll be […]
A lot of time, the reason it’s a challenge for schools to be junk free is that the alternative plan is not workable for the parents, because parents would give excuses that their life is full already. The truth is parents are still in the process of learning but as much as they are busy, […]
I want to say it is actually very possible to eliminate junks completely in the Lunchbox. I don’t believe in a few days a week. Many years ago, I tried it in a period where we had healthy eating as our science topic and one of the things we immediately noticed was the noise level […]
Despite childhood obesity being a global challenge, wins have been almost non-existent when it comes to pushing it back. However, Brighton, a city in England has experienced a downward trend in childhood obesity rates compared to national figures. This beautiful study gives us some insight as to how their multi-faceted approach including things like checking […]