
1 Kings 17 v 6 The birds brought Elijah bread and meat every morning and every evening. And he drank water from the brook…

I said let me just start with the scripture evidence, then a back story and then put some more flesh (with some healthy disclaimers) to support my call to Believers that are still rolling with (for example)

Breakfast: Bread, egg and tea
Lunch: Plenty rice and big chicken and fried plantain
Dinner; Swallow, soup and plenty meat.

Adult Child of GOD, listen up! Except you are (with professional guidance) advised to gain weight, are on some kind of medical intervention (again with professional guidance), are breastfeeding (and even then there is still control), eating three square meals like we call it everyday, is actually eating too much.

And some of us are actually on a weight loss journey and eating 3 (or more) square and complete meals, and then plenty snacks in between.

No, #ChildOfGod, No!

When it comes to the Macros, that is carbohydrates, protein and fat, please keep it down to no more than 2 square, healthy, portion-controlled meals. Then for your snacks in between meals, stick to fruits, smoothies, vegetables, salads and the likes.

And no, snacking doesn’t mean your mouth has to be moving all the time and your digestive system is constantly working.
No, #ChildOfGod, No!

Check out my Channels TV feature on Sunrise where I share the Health benefits of actually letting your body FAST!

My Pastor, Nike Adeyemi of Daystar was speaking in church last Sunday and even though people were laughing and all, I thoroughly agree with her that we cannot be eating three big, full meals a day (when some of us need to actually lose weight).

And I love that there is scriptural evidence for it, which my friend and coaching Citizen Abisade, shared with me the other day…

1 Kings 17 v 6 The birds brought Elijah bread and meat every morning and every evening. And he drank water from the brook…

When God decided to feed Elijah, He did so twice a day, and I also love that he was situated by God by a brook and so it was water he drank.

Yes Saint, drink MORE water!

When we create Nutrition Plans for our Citizens at The Nation (CoachE’ Nation that is), one of the meals for the day has to be fruits/veggies/salads, one meal is usually loaded with the Macros and the other is something in between both.

Btw, you can join our Squad F coaching before Friday, October 18 and let’s help you on your weight loss journey within the context of your faith. Details here.

Now when you start to intentionally reduce the frequency, quality and portions of your meals, expect to feel hungry and your stomach to protest. That’s OK because what you probably don’t know is that your stomach is a muscle (muscular organ to be more professional) with capacity to expand and contract.

If you have been giving it plenty food, it has expanded and when the food reduces, of course it will protest because it is used to more. Give it time and ride it out, Child Of God. The stomach will contract again and adjust to your new portions. And the Holy Spirit would have produced the fruit of discipline and self-control in you so win-win!

Ok, now that we have decided to reduce our food frequency and portion, what do we do with all that extra money?

Glad you asked!
Be generous!!!
When you start to buy and/or eat less, you can then invest in charity and truly enjoy blessings!

Day 10 of my 40-day devotional, SPIRITED sheds more light on how we can eat less and give more. I share from the devotional weekly with my Coaching Citizens but you can get an electronic copy for just N5000 when you order here.

Excited to see you put food exactly where it should be and no longer on the Throne and enjoy not only weight loss, but a healthier you as you build your ‘For-Purpose body’.
Remember, a global health crisis is here and given the junk pandemic currently everywhere, we must SAVE OUR CHILDREN, and when God says that, He means

Children by age
Children at heart and
Children of God!!!

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences… Proverbs 27 v 12

I know my Readers are wise and prudent, not simple and foolish so cheers to TWO ‘SQUARE’ and HEALTHY MEALS!

Your #JesusGirl Health Coach,

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