Hey Fam, Ok I am BORED. Like real bored. I feel like I have already conquered everything I thought would hinder my journey. You see, I love a great challenge. I love to PUSH myself and live on the fringes of life. So, this LOSE 10KG IN 6WEEKS was supposed to be challenging. I gave […]
Hey yawl Its day 3 of week 4…Tuesday And let’s look through Day 2 and 3 I will just start by saying that I have never really quite reacted to any food. Matter of fact, I am very open to trying new things, VERY UNLIKE MY HUBBY who plays safe ALL THE TIME lol. No […]
Hey guys, Happy New week… I am cramping a lot into this post, rounding up week 3 and jumping into week 4. I hope to blog daily this week so you can track a bit closer, especially for those of you kinda lowkey on this journey with me. Remember I am here as your inspiration […]
I am just typing this post with some kind of mild anger lol. So, has anyone ever SAVED their calories cos they wanted to REALLY indulge in something without feeling bad? That was my story today, day 6 of week 3. Friday. So, I really wanted to indulge in my catfish peppersoup, especially the BIG […]