N.B This post was first published in this blog on November 2021. If you’re trying to lose weight, I hope the wisdom shared in this blog will help you do so in the best possible way.
Coach, can I lose 10kg in 4weeks?
I saw the document you sent, but it is too long. Can you summarize?
How long will it take me to lose 22kg?
That workout is too long ooo, I don’t have time for it.
Convenience. The easy life.
One thing we are embracing everywhere, including on our weight loss journey.
If it seems, hard, will take time, or demand so much, we want an easy way out.
You will find something in this blog that permits you to rethink convenience on your journey to gain a healthy lifestyle and lose weight.
Let’s move

Hello Citizens,
I am glad you are here.
As President at Jesus Girls’ Nation, I am committed deeply to a couple of values, some of which are truth, knowledge, innovation, and hard work.
And I am raising a community of women who know that part of embracing this life of wholeness involves knowing that while it is well within the realms of possible, it is not always going to be easy or convenient.
Sister to sister, I want to share my thoughts on 5 areas we need to rethink convenience and embrace inconvenience as we build this life of WHOLENESS.
- Simple, easy, low intensity workout ONLY
Honestly, there is a place for taking walks for example, which is a low intensity workout, but if you are really looking to give your body a good workout as you strengthen it, you are going to have to do more.

Let’s face it, many of us who take walks as our major workout default do it because we don’t want to do anything too stressful, and we are certainly not here for the pain it brings, even if temporarily.
Granted, some of us cannot do much for now beyond walking as a result of injury and the likes, but if you are able to run, lift some weights, do some resistance, high intensity cardio, HIIT and the likes, go for it.
Hey, if you even need to join a gym, and participate fully in the aerobics, sure thing. (Check out this video I did for tips to really rock out the gym should you decide to join one)

5 tips to get results in the gym
Yes, it will bring some kind of pain, but that’s just you getting stronger.
Remain consistent, and watch the temporary pain disappear and longer lasting results emerge.
2. You want a pill, shake or teas to help get the job done faster, with minimal effort from you
Quick tip: Surgery is more guaranteed than any of these.
The truth is, these products, no matter how well packaged, marketed and curated can’t do jack!!!
If you are looking for results that can come without inconveniencing yourself, I’m afraid they don’t exist.
At best, these will bring some kind of, at best temporary, and at worst, dangerous results.
Be careful what you are popping into your system. People have suffered permanent organ damage, and even death as a result.
Sustainable weight loss involves discipline, patience, consistency and knowledge to keep driving your convictions and fueling you to go on, among others. Qualities no tea or pill will ever give.
3. Convenient and short programs for weightloss
I wrote about that extensively here as one of the mistakes I found myself making in the past as a Coach.
If you are trying to embrace a life of wholeness and lose weight, girl, it is going to take timeeeeeee.
Actually, it is going to take the rest of your life, though it gets easier as you master it, but truth is we should never take our feet off the pedal for too long, or as a practice.
And in that time it will take you, you will have to embrace some level of inconvenience
No, you cannot enjoy all your fave junk foods and somehow think we can work that into a healthy lifestyle
Many many times, you will have to say a very inconvenient NO to say a sweet yes to your health and life.
If any program or person tells you that you can conveniently build a healthy lifestyle with convenience, without cutting out completely or to a large extent the junk that got you unhealthy in the first place, they are selling you something, girl.
Don’t buy!!!
4. You won’t embrace the inconveniencing pain and discipline of gaining knowledge
With every extra week I spend on earth pursuing purpose with passion, I am even more convinced that I cannot sustain my passion, drive and desire to do the right things without an ongoing accumulation and application of knowledge.
Knowledge drives convictions so deep that without even knowing, you hit the level of automaticity where you do the right things automatically
But where you get or hear an information once, and then decide you will act on it, but don’t strengthen that decision with knowledge (and prayers), you will soon find yourself drifting and soon you will justifiably drop it, and move on.
Which is why I always tell my Clients to read, especially about the current struggles they are having.
Yes, reading will not always be convenient, but the more you read, the easier it gets, and the more you don’t want to go long stretches without gaining knowledge
That is one thing that has kept me CONSISTENT across the board for all I get to do.
Daily, I gain knowledge. Daily I am convinced and convicted to keep on doing, as light hits me.
I am not too busy to read articles, books and more, on fitness, food and health in general, and this is not just because I am a Coach, but for me and my family primarily.
So, when you get on a program, go for knowledge. Make room for it. Drive those convictions deeper. See the history behind some of the addictions we struggle with. Read about the manufacturing process, and more.
And per this video I did, it was all knowledge I gained from reading this fantastic book SALT SUGAR FAT

Rethinking Convenience; 5 Things to note
My convictions to lead and live a healthier junk-free life deepened after that, and I made many resolutions too.
So let’s not be lazy about reading and gaining knowledge. Your work doesn’t end when you hire a Coach, it actually begins, so keep building on everything the Coach teaches you.
Inconvenient? Yes. But are we here for lasting results or nah?
5. We won’t invest money in our health because we equate Fitfam with free-Fam or cheap-Fam
This one amazes me.
That many of us cannot inconvenience ourselves, rearrange the dynamics of how we spend our money, and make more room to invest in our healthy living journey.
We can invest in cloths and shoes, which is not bad, but we say ‘it is too expensive’ when it comes to FitFam.
Somehow, we think it should be cheap, Or FREE
When the price of Apples moves from 100 to 150, they complain as we walk away
When the price of some sugary biscuit or crappy drink increases, we complain while buying.
Somehow, FitFam should be free if possible. After all, you are doing all these FitFam Coach a favor, right?
I did a post on how we always think healthy eating won’t cost something here;
Recently, I decided against sharing as much as I used to for free on my WhatsApp especially the day-to-day tips from my kitchen and dining table, and instead I share it only on an exclusive WhatsApp for moms who signed up for it.
If we only expect free information when it comes to FitFam, but instead spend money on crap and junk, then I decided I would no longer feed that.
On a personal note, I embrace inconvenience in some areas of my life, to be able to afford some things that help me stay on track when it comes to FitFam. There are things I don’t buy, so I can save money inconveniently and buy a kitchen appliance that will help me live a more convenient FitFam life.
High Power blender or a Food Processor? Which do I invest in first?
So please, lets stop ranking a healthy lifestyle low, until the Doctor steps in with an evil report, then we start going for every miracle service possible.
Embrace a level of inconvenience, especially if finances are tight, and start to make investments little by little
Don’t forget to check out this YT video and let’s rethink convenience, and restore the traditional values we are fast losing because we are buying convenience.

Rethinking Convenience; 5 things to note
And also check out these two sister blogs, which tackle convenience in;
With all my best love
If we only expect free information when it comes to FitFam, but instead spend money on crap and junk, then I decided I would no longer feed that.
On a personal note, I embrace inconvenience in some areas of my life, to be able to afford some things that help me stay on track when it comes to FitFam. There are things I don’t buy, so I can save money inconveniently and buy a kitchen appliance that will help me live a more convenient FitFam life.
High Power blender or a Food Processor? Which do I invest in first?
So please, lets stop ranking a healthy lifestyle low, until the Doctor steps in with an evil report, then we start going for every miracle service possible.
Embrace a level of inconvenience, especially if finances are tight, and start to make investments little by little
Don’t forget to check out this YT video and let’s rethink convenience, and restore the traditional values we are fast losing because we are buying convenience.

Rethinking Convenience; 5 things to note
And also check out these two sister blogs, which tackle convenience in;
With all my best love
Are you a stay-at-home mom? Then we have something for you.

Meet ‘esh; Setting stay-at-home moms on fire
All details are in the link above and I cannot wait to see you on that day.
And this YouTube video packs quite a punch. I believe it will change things in the right direction for you.

Rethinking Convenience; 5 things to note
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