
Hello Fitfam

We decided to run an interview with a few of our current squaddies after they reached the 20day mark with us.

Here are the questions we asked them?

  1. First “I don’t believe this” moment
    As in what was the first thing that shocked you about yourself, the program, the coach, the squaddies… when you started?
  2. What are your Biggest win in the past 20days?
  3. If you were to write a book on your journey so far, what would the title and subtitle be and who would you dedicate it to?
  4. Mention one food you would want to eat forever and not gain weight?
  5. What are the best part and “Oh no, not again” part of the program for you?

I loved reading their answers, from naughty to ‘aww’ to hilarious, and I know you too will.

Right at the end of the interview, we do some show off from the 20day mark with us.

At CoachE’s #JesusGirlsFitness, we track progress in 5 different ways and it is such a joy to help our squaddies see so many other victories beyond the scale, especially their private wins.

Surely, you will relate with a few.

Now, let me get out of your way so you can enjoy all the deliciousness we are serving this beautiful Friday

Let’s start with Sarah our in-house ‘tormentor’. with her colorful smoothies and juices bursting with nutrients, and fresh foods picked from either her farm or bought farm fresh as she lives right in the middle of nature ?


1. The first thing that shocked me about myself was making a commitment and sticking to it. Committing to waking up for YomGum at 5am even though I’m not a morning person has been pleasantly shocking. Committing to making this a lifestyle is a journey I’m currently on, loving it and determined to sustain with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The confessions daily, fasts weekly, encouragement, cheering our wins no matter how little and encouraging our walk with Christ has been a tremendous gift and I’m so grateful.

The camaraderie in the group is amazing. We cheer each other, answer questions, and hype ourselves.I’m truly grateful for the amazing women in the group and all the support. I nearly paid for the personal coaching because I’m an introvert and groups can sometimes get overwhelming with so many different people but I’m glad I didn’t.

2. My biggest win the past 20 days is how much better my quality of sleep has improved. I used to sleep very late, wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to sleep again. I thought it was my mattress to the point of me saving up to buy an orthopedic mattress but I can now see that it wasn’t the problem.

I actually set a bedtime alarm which I stick to most nights and then an alarm to wake me for YomGum in the morning. Now my quality of sleep has greatly improved and no more back aches.

3. The title would be “Eating My Way To A Healthy Body, Mind And Spirit” and subtitle “My journey of committing to a healthy lifestyle

4. Rice! I love rice. Jollof, fried rice, rice and stew, rice with sauce, native rice, coconut rice, concoction rice ?

5. The best part of the program for me is number one; I’m beginning to understand with this healthy lifestyle is not to cut out the things we love but to have it in moderation and incorporate a lot of fresh veggies. Also portion control is very important.

Number two is the reorientation of my relationship with food. I’m not starving myself or eating just salads (I totally love salads btw) I’m eating rice, pasta, swallow, delicious smoothies and lots of fresh fruits and juices and I’m loving it.

I’m eating everything I love in moderation. I’m not overcooking my veggies or drowning my food in oil or MSG. Rather I’m discovering new spices to cook with and I’m retraining my tastebuds to love them.

And the “oh no!not again” part is Having to wake up early can sometimes be a chore. Some days when my alarm go off I’m tempted to not get up but I remember my commitment and get up and eventually feel better for it.

Let’s turn the spotlight on Nkem, our in-house Numbers geek AKA ‘Efico’ who finished with a first class in Statistics. She’s so focused on her weight loss journey and celebrates every single win with great delight

Nkem said “you cannot understand” haha. Such beautiful testimonies

  1. I was shocked about the meal plan, especially when I saw rice in it, and swallow of choice ?. I had presumed it would be ‘grass eating’ all d way. Fasting and prayer shocked me too o.
  2. Biggest win; I have not allowed d scale to dictate my mood or steal my joy.
  3. It would be titled; “You can loose weight eating reguar wholesome meals”. Dedicated to all those who struggle with this cos they are misinformed.
  4. Rice and veggies and veggies and more veggies!
  5. For me, the best part is Wednesdays cos im disciplined to fast with regular prayer watches.
    I could do without the Gan Raveh part of the meals

Next we have Temi the ‘ginger mama’. Temi is such a pure joy and delight to coach. She’s very consistent and is always excited about trying new and challenging things.

Her mantra is “I can do hard things” and I’ve seen her challenge and push her body to meet goals.

Oh yes you can do hard things

  1. I was shocked to see squaddies in the same struggle as me. Some had the exact same issues and constraints as me…… unbelievable. The diet actually allowed carbs…..?….I was shocked.
  2. My biggest win is the consistence in exercise I’ve built over the past 20 days. I haven’t been able to do this in over 10 years.
  3. If I were to write a book, it would be titled “My Forever” subtitled “doing hard things“. I would dedicate it to my sister Omasan, that girl is 100 people’s support in 1
  4. I would have answered rice but I’m not craving rice these days…… unbelievable.
  5. The best part so far is that it gets better each day. I’m way stronger today than I was even yesterday. “Oh no! not again” is Everytime my water alarm goes off. It’s work in progress but I believe I will overcome that one too because i’ve got this ??

Finally, We have Chidinma our very own house Doctor. She’s one of the ‘Isrealites’ in the squad who is always intimidating others with her daily steps from 10k upwards.

Way to go mama, super consistent and intentional daily workouts ????

1. I had been on the program before so I wasn’t shocked initially by anything on the program. I was ready to jump right in.

I’m shocked now that I can keep up with my workouts; when I can’t do them in the morning, I still do them in the evening. My earlier mindset was I can’t keep up or do them consistently cos of work and at the home front I don’t have a domestic help but I when you really want something you really create time for it, so I always create time for it and I’m amazed!

2. My biggest win has been my consistent workouts. On my schedule its 5 days a week but I’ve done as Much as 6 days a week without been pushed or coerced. I’m impressed with myself.

Another win is my planning. I’m impressed with how well planned my meals are and when it’s not available I fall back on fruits without feeling like I’m starving myself.

I love the devotional and confessions because it all starts in the spirit realm and it’s played out in the physical

3. The book would be titled “I can do all things” and I will dedicate it to my husband and children who are always cheering me on and encouraging me on the fitfam journey.

4. ‘Gizdodo’ would be it for me . I love plantain but its not on my food plan this time around

5. The best part of the program for me is the ‘ginger’ on the squad. When you are feeling lazy and just want to lie down then you see someone tensioning you with 2000 skips or 12,000 steps ehen! I just stand up and try to give my best . the ‘oh no’ part is all the new recipes CoachE’ is bringing in to the squad. E.g Gbegiri veggies ? but it’s exciting to try out new things cos I’m retraining my taste buds to like healthy things.

Its always a pleasure training with CoachE’, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself so far. God bless you CoachE’

Let’s start our show off from our Squaddies 20day Mark with this amazing Squaddie WIN that literally made me tear up for joy

When Mummy gets it right, the whole family does too

3kg down in 20days is A BIG DEAL. Plus we moved from MINDLESS eating to MINDFUL eating. Win win ?

Carbs have never been the enemy. Our portions are…

An amazing Squaddie building stamina, getting Fitter and steadily carrying her hubby along ????

Victory over unhealthy cravings and eating. YASS to consistent daily workout and getting fitter

3.9kg down in 10days, stayed Disciplined on Gan-Raveh and consistent daily workouts, C’mon!!!?

I told you you would love it

I would absolutely love to guide you to your own results too. What we do, by God’s grace, works. The stories above lend credence.

So if you have some fat to lose, let’s help you kick that fat out and bring healthy back.

Our Hygiano program is designed to get you HEALTHY IN BODY and STRONG IN SPIRIT

Oh and if weight loss is not your thing but you know your eating habits are anything but God-glorifying, we created HADACCAH just for you

Whatever your diet preferences, we can create a customised plan JUST FOR YOU

And need some help and accountability working that body of yours? For a token, you can join our live workout sessions called YOMGUM every morning over Zoom.

It’s for just 15 to 20mins and we take a short sweet confession afterwards. Then you can take all that physical and spiritual energy into your beautiful day.

Sending you plenty weekend love, with a generous dose of DISCIPLINE too

God bless you

Eziaha (CoachE’)

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