
Hey Squad,

So this is a pure FOR YOUR INFORMATION post.

With 2020 already here, we wanted to share the various programs we have lined up to help you not just lose weight, but to bring healthy back

Ready, Set, Go!!!

1. This 2020, your WEIGHT is OVER

This is our primary affordable yet effective weight loss program

Costing N12,000 for 6weeks, you would agree that we did our best to keep this on the “bottom shelf” so everyone, no matter the level, can reach it.

If you are a nursing mom, it costs N15,000 for 6weeks and the plans are breastfeeding friendly, meaning you lose weight without compromising your milk supply, whether exclusive or not.

You can sign up for 6weeks, and continue to renew the package after then for as long as you need to be with us.

Please note that this program involves GROUP coaching (which we call squads) powered by WhatsApp, and the Nutrition plans and workout guides are GENERAL and still VERY EFFECTIVE.

If you want something more customized and private, hey we gotcha too.

2. One on One with CoachE’

Yay for all my private sisters, extremely busy ladies, Diasporas, and those dealing with a diet-related health challenge, this one is perfect for you.

Here, your plans are more customized and your weight loss journey, private. No groups or squads, just you and I rocking it out. Before we create your Nutrition plans, we typically get a list of meals from you, an idea of your schedule and other unique information on your health that allows us create something that is truly and genuinely YOU.

Yes, Nursing moms can also choose to have a private experience. Ditto preggos.

This program costs N35,000 for 6weeks ; N65,000 for 12weeks; N100,000 for 6months

Installmental payment plans are available for durations longer than 6 weeks.

3. Saved Fit Preggo

Where all my pregnant sisters looking to rock your bump with some discipline? Come through, mama.

Whether you want to roll with us for 4weeks, a trimester, or the entire pregnancy, we are here for you.

Our professional prenatal nutrition plans, workouts and coaching squads for accountability help ensure that you don’t eat for two, keep cravings in check, and rock that bump with some discipline.

Squad (group) and private coaching available here, and for durations longer than a trimester, installment payment plans are available.

4 weeks – N10,000 ; Trimester – N30,000 ; Entire pregnancy – N70,000

4. How do you like your fast?

This one is a new baby we are just introducing yay. Excited to host purely FASTING Squads, so whether you are an intermittent faster, or trying out the Daniel fast, we are here to guide you through. Private and Squad coaching packages available too and we kick off Sun, January 12, 2020.

Daniel Fast : 10 days – N5,000 ; 21 days – N7,500

Intermittent Fast : 21 days – N7,500 ; 40 days – N15,000

This is one of the BEST ways to start your year I tell you. On the private coaching, we can modify your fast to suit your desires too, just let us know.

If you want to know more about both fasts, we have a blog on Intermittent fasting here and the Daniel fast has this lovely article with details here

The Daniel fast is more a spiritual exercise than it is one for weightloss, though most people lose weight on it. We decided to launch a squad for it as I had some of my Jesus Girls want to do the fast, but were unsure of what they could eat or not it.

No worries again. We gotcha…

5. CoachE’s FIT Sisterhood (CFS)

Another brand new baby from our hearts… And this one, my squaddies have been asking for it. I understand how it can be a little scary being on your own when your program is OVER, and you are not sure if you are quite ready for that, but you also don’t want to keep paying for the full weight loss package forever, especially if you have been with us for a long time.

CFS ensures that once you are a squaddie, you can always be a Squaddie and at a reduced price too. This is open to just ladies I have coached in the past but need not the tools this time (like workouts and nutrition plans), but some accountability and support as we all walk each other to our fitness “Home”. Plus you get to do that with your friends and hopefully make new friends too.

Please note that this program EXCLUDES Nutrition Plans, workouts, and the coaching knowledge / QnA we share in our main weight loss squads. This exists not for information (as a Squaddie, you should already have all the nutrition plans and information), but for SUPPORT so we will keep records of your meals and workouts, call you out, send you daily confessions, post motivational quotes, and still hold our weekly prayers here. Anything extra would require you revert to the main WEIGHT IS OVER squads.

6 Weeks – N5,000 ; 12weeks – N9,000

And the good news is that with how “bottom shelf” affordable we are, you can afford us for as long as possible. Yaaaay. No need to slide back into old habits because no one is keeping you accountable. We gotcha now and you can keep the grind going.

Ok so we will update this as we go on, and if you have any questions, please shoot us a mail at, WhatsApp on 09055868614, or just drop a comment below and we will get back at you.

All programs start Sunday, January 12, 2020 and on subsequent dates after that which we will also share.

Just know that this 2020, we no dey play. If it has to do with weight loss and healthy living, we are here for it.


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