
Yaaaay! Happy to be here again. it’s been a while I’ve brought you our usual weekly gist from all the happenings inside CoachE’ Squad. (“This week on CoachE”) So here I am bringing you slightly over a month’s backlog of gist (November till Date)?

As usual we will be sharing all the activities that went down in our squad groups, the gists, the transformation, beyond weight loss experience, just everything really!

Sounds exciting right? Let’s get into it!????

The month of November ushered in two new programs into the Squad: 21 Strong which has 3 batches and Yom-Gum ( a daily workout program for Squaddies)

#21Strong came and made some major positive impacts on the Squaddies. For some it was challenging yet rewarding while for others it was a journey of new discoveries and abilities.

And these particularly exciting and inspiring feedback from 2 Squaddies, (Wunmi and Kaycee) on their weight loss experiences with CSL

Yom-Gum brought in a lot of daily ‘ginger’ for the Squaddies especially because it was live workout sessions everyday except rest day; Saturday. It’s always a lot of fun

#JesusGirlsFitness Squaddies have also been pushing stronger and stepping up their workout game. Yum-Gom keeps us pumped daily.

CSL team Banah also challenged themselves to #21Strong with individual weight loss goals before the end of the year. It’s being an interesting challenge, complete with all the daily workouts, customized meal plans and scale drama, lol!!! We are not just coaching, we are going through the process.??

Check out transformation pics that came in;

The differences are clear right? ?????? #TransformationwithCoachE’

We also had remarkable drops in weight. See for your self?

Squaddies also sharing fave Bible scripture ‘asin’ their RHEMA for this season

CSL invited 2 amazing ex-Squaddies who had lost over 30kg and counting to be interviewed by all Squads. Ihuoma and Bimpe literally lit the house on fire with their intensity, passion and authentic. Ihuoma stressed on being intentional, focused and strategic on the weight loss journey while Bimpe admonished that taking care of the ‘inside’ is the starting point for a achieving our weight goals. She emphasized strongly on the fact that nothing can be achieved successfully without the help of God, in fact your success is a direct result of your deep fellowship with God. You can read more about Bimpe and Ihuoma’s transformation journey with JesusGirlsFitness here and here.


Some of Ihuoma and Bimpe’s former team members also attested to their consistency and passion . See what mummy Opalana has to say

CSL also had 2 Webinars and one live “question and answer timeout” with CoachE’. The first webinar was CoachE’ fave mums productivity hack and the second one; How to raise a Fit Family. It was so informative and generally a wonderful time in the house.

Squaddies moving forward, feedback and accolades

We published 2 insightful blog posts. Check them out ?

By the way CoachE’ is back to the gym baby! ??‍♂️??‍♂️ Check these out

Gooooood newssss?? CoachE’ has been serving some delicious workout, leadership and mummy productivity hacks videos. Check some out below ??

BTW, do you know CoachE’ has 2 other life transforming blogs? Please visit for more productive mummy hacks and for more Jesus inspired and faith pumping content ?

It’s being a wonderful season at CSL. let me be the first person to wish you a Merry Christmas in advance and don’t forget: Jesus is the REASON for the SEASON

Love and Strength,

Queen O

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