Hey Fitfam
This post was published in 2019 and honestly it’s a classic, so we are republishing it again.
Here it goes….
Hey Fit-Squad,
Welcome to a brand-new week.
So as the month is coming to an end, most of us moms are getting ready to shop for the new month. I love love love love love shopping and all the processes that lead to it… Drawing up my list, pricing, budgeting, prioritizing and the final enter market process itself.
Enter market…
Some thing that I fear some of us are no longer used to as a result of our very busy lifestyles. Thank God for online shopping, the only activity we have to do is click and have it delivered to us.
While I do agree that online shopping has its place, and in fact can be life saving at times, I insist that we must put the brakes on it too and not let it take over our lives.

Our lifestyles today are getting more and more sedentary…
You work in an office so you end up sitting down for maybe 4/5 of your waking hours, inclusive of time at work, in traffic and on the couch eating dinner and watching TV.
Exercising happens at our convenience, which for most is rarely or never.
As a result, there is such a dip in our level of physical activity and that is dangerous for our cardio vascular system, blood flow circulation and our overall health.
While there may be little or nothing we can do about our sedentary work hours (imagine a banker deciding to be standing up and pacing every time lol), one way I know we can get more activity into our week is OPEN MARKET SHOPPING.
My sister, flip the keyboard for some flipflops and hit the market.
I am not even talking about supermarket or malls, even though those have their place, but I am saying open markets at least once or twice a month.
Plan your bulk/majority shopping from the open market.
I know that the fact that we can order something is kinda a class thing now… I mean, you have to have some level of cash to be able to fund that lifestyle. Plus on Instagram, we can tag the vendors and amass some even cooler points, but my sister, don’t be doing all these at the expense of your health.
Aunty, if your job promotes a sedentary lifestyle (and this includes those who work from home), then make shopping in the open market a MUST for you at least twice a month.
Personally, I do my bulk shopping once a month and I would plan that day and waka round the market well. Then I also plan my week in such a way that I have cause to enter market again at least once a week for quick top-ups. I am intentional about this.
Aside the advantage of seeing what you are buying and not having to deal with wrong orders or deceptive pictures very different from the original products, shopping in the open market saves you money too. Stuff is cheaper and there is a wide variety.
I know some of you are probably thinking you can afford that money, but remember that it is also God’s money and you want to be accountable with it. Balance things out.
Then, I am reminded of a saying I heard one time that wise people spend money to save time so they can invest that time into other things, but others spend time to save money (so going to the market instead of ordering online is just a waste of time you could have used for other things).
I agree to some extent if you otherwise have an active lifestyle and work out consistently. If you don’t, then the time spent shopping in the open market is actually an investment in your own life and health. So, it is a win-win cos you invested that time and also saved money.
Other ways to beat sedentary would be
– Pace while you talk on the phone if possible.
– Eat lunch quickly and instead of sitting and gisting, take the remaining minutes to walk around your office environment to get some blood pumping and calories burning.
– Ditch the elevator for the stairs
– Very important, abeg workout. There are so many 10mins workouts available on YouTube and even if you do this 2 to 3 times a week, you good girl
Have a great week high on productivity and physical activity and low in laziness…
Love and Light