
Why I’d rather eat healthy. 

Shalom Shalom Jesus Girls, I look back on my healthy living journey (now 8 years strong) and I’m simply blown away by how far I’ve come.  From having a modeling body in my single days then getting married to my university sweetheart, got pregnant and then gained a whopping 40kg during that period. Six months […]

Convenient weightloss? 5 thoughts for you

N.B This post was first published in this blog on November 2021. If you’re trying to lose weight, I hope the wisdom shared in this blog will help you do so in the best possible way. Coach, can I lose 10kg in 4weeks? I saw the document you sent, but it is too long. Can […]

Fasting Can Make You Add Weight. Here’s How

Did you know fasting can make you add weight? I know it sounds contradictory, but really, instead of snatching your waist, fasting can actually make you add weight. Unfortunately, especially when you are over 30. Think about it, there are people who fasted and gained weight, or maybe even lost weight while fasting and gained […]


What are you craving? We typically associate cravings with unhealthy foods and junk, like ice cream, pizza and the likes. We don’t really hear people say ‘I’m craving an avocado or kale salad, or green juice or smoothie’ Well, except me. Imagine this, There’s you trading in sodas, sweets, biscuits, noodles, pastries, fried foods and […]

The FAT problem with FREE food!!!

When you’ve been invited to dine with a very important leader, consider your manners and keep in mind whom you’re with. Be careful to curb your appetite and catch yourself before you fall into the trap of wanting all you see. Don’t crave their delicacies, for they may have another motive in having you sit […]

I want my FREE copy of CoachE’s

HOW I LOST 30kg in 4 months.

Updated with 10 lessons for FOREVER  RESULTS