
Hey Fitfam!

Like you know, this 2021, it is all about fitfam minimalism and really all round upgrading the entire diet of my family little by little.

You can catch the first part of my journey here

It has been a MOST exciting and rather revealing journey for me.

EXCITING? Now that is a given because I always bring joy into any adventure I undertake, even if scary, but REVEALING? Ah, this has blown me away.

Where I assumed most people were not even bothered about and just going with the norm, I learned that a good number of people are adopting healthier lifestyles for themselves and their families.


I have been super impressed, and I even feel super late to the party.

For example, when I blogged about letting go of cow’s milk, that is conventional dairy for my kids, I had a number of moms tell me how they had also quit dairy for YEARS now and their kids either used plant-based milk or nothing at all for meals that we were brought up drowning in cow’s milk.

I mean, this is not a fitfam, fitness coach mommy ooo, just a regular mom like you and I yet see the steps she has taken for her family.


So, moms, like she said, it is stressful but really worth it.

I also love how she trained him to now reject sweet stuff. What a beautiful gift to give your kids that set them up for life.

Now, this chat is from Ope, my friend and another mom like you.

Left cow’s milk too and can you imagine Golden morn, and pap without milk? She only introduced cow’s milk last year and SURPRISINGLY, her kids are doing well, haha.

My transition to cow’s milk has gained a lot of traction and this week, I am most likely to eliminate the 20-40% cow’s milk they have been taking, and seeing moms like I shared above take these steps has been real convicting for me.

Now on to swallow, see me thinking I was the first to let go of all those funny packaged swallow like semo, wheat and all, only to see some one that let go since 2016.

I mean, just give good ol’ ‘Garri/Eba, Amala, Fufu’ and you are good to go

Babes, people are living this fitfam life ooo, but they are not ‘louding’ it, and I can imagine why. Going against the grain makes people raise their eyebrows, make unkind, spiteful comments and can just slowly but steady weaken your convictions. So people are ‘healthying’ up but are ‘low-keying’ it.

You don’t wanna know how many people have shared stuff with me since I started to be more vocal about the crap we have been eating and calling it MODERN FOOD!!!

One last gist before I wrap this post up, but first, side note.

So yesterday, after our fast and prayers in the WILD WIVES community which I lead via Zoom, I decided to share some food wisdom as I am learning and I talked about ‘swallow’ and basically told them, among other things to throw away wheat.

The feedback and shock factor was REAL but I didn’t wait to get in an argument or over explaining. I instead asked them to do further research, which is what we all need to be doing as moms and homemakers.

Research and apply, low-key or loudly haha. (And you can join the WILD WIVES prayers if you want. We pray Sundays. Click link above)

Ok, final. Ah, this one shook me haha

Frozen chicken and the likes.


I didn’t know EVERYBODY had left that train behind till I shared how I was finally letting frozen chicken go and would instead be buying LIVE chicken, then shared a picture of hubs and I at the local sellers

And pictures of our live, AMAZING chicken.

My phone was full of people who had left frozen animals since and had been going for live ones. Even for frozen Titus fish, people KNOW the original ones and have been avoiding the fake, cheaper and more popular one.

It was only when I spoke up that they too spoke up.

Even she has her ways with fresher and more organic eggs, which I have learned too

Honestly I am impressed and amazed at how women have been winning.

The same thing with letting go of MSG that is Stock cubes like ‘Maggi, Knorr and Onga.’

Somre’s food Boss, Ezinne educates us AWAY from MSG seasoning cubes (NO MORE MSG)

10 herbs&spices ALREADY in your kitchen to SUPERCHARGE your meals

Many women have let go of such poison and are healthily feeding their families even though it is inconveniencing at first (but definitely gets plenty easier just a little bit down the track, PLUS CHEAPER on your pocket and health)

I want to see more moms WIN at home and in the kitchen on behalf of their families.

We have SO MUCH POWER and I pray we are using it well.

That it is popular doesn’t mean it is right.

That it is ‘ajebo’ doesn’t mean it is healthy

That it is expensive doesn’t mean that it is better

A little research and a lot of godly wisdom and you can wield that power well to ensure that every time your family feeds what you dish, you are giving life to them and not slowly taking life away from them.

This fast food generation is CRAZY. Don’t join them, and certainly don’t let your kids join them.

I have a few posts and resources to help. Here we go…

#ChildNutrition: The dangers of sausages

#ChildNutrition: Three tips to help MOMS DO BETTER

#CoachE’Kids…TWO money & health saving tips for moms

#ChildNutrition: The Dangers Of Store-bought Frozen French Fries.

MinimalMom: 13 things I don’t waste money on for my Kids

FitFam & Minimalist Part 1: My initial Baby Steps

Somre’s food Boss, Ezinne educates us AWAY from MSG seasoning cubes (NO MORE MSG)

10 herbs&spices ALREADY in your kitchen to SUPERCHARGE your meals

CoachE’s FORTIFIED Noodles… A Recipe

You are welcome. 

I pray this helps move the needle for you a little progressively, or a lot consistently, because when a mom gets it right, the whole family eventually gets it right.

Remember to PACE yourself so you are not overwhelmed. One little change in a month adds up to 12 changes in a year which is MAJOR

Just stay CONSISTENT as you apply and receive the help of God

God bless you mama. You got this!!!

With all my ?? ??



Please check out the latest on my blog for God’s Domestic Queens

GDQ mentoring is NOW OPEN and you can apply!!!

And the latest on my faith-based blog, where I blog about faith, friendship and mentoring.


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