

What are you craving? We typically associate cravings with unhealthy foods and junk, like ice cream, pizza and the likes. We don’t really hear people say ‘I’m craving an avocado or kale salad, or green juice or smoothie’ Well, except me. Imagine this, There’s you trading in sodas, sweets, biscuits, noodles, pastries, fried foods and […]

Don’t believe THESE lies! You deserve to know THESE truths.

Skip the LIES, know the TRUTH about Weightloss. You’re welcome. Shalom Shalom Jesus Girls. Let’s come together for a quick read. It’s #TeamCoachE‘ hereeee. I have the honour to write this today. CoachE’ recently released a YouTube video – Don’t Believe These Lies! You deserve to know These TRUTHS!! On your journey to sustainable weightloss […]

YOU cannot afford this (even if you think/your wallet says you can)

I go about with my antennas UP searching for solutions to this junk and crappy eating pandemic. Even though I was at a Business Meet and Greet at my church, Daystar, one of the speakers said something in response to a Q that was asked him, and bam, I was inspired to create this blog […]

Journey to weight loss? It’s normal to get tired.

If you are tired on your journey to weight loss, it OK. You’ll be tired, for some people it’ll take 2 or 3 years so it’s natural and normal that you get tired at some point. But let me tell you what you shouldn’t let happen.  Yes! DON’T LET CRAP IN THE GAP! In this […]

#JesusGirlsFitness but Jesus OVER Fitness.

This post was first published in April, 2020. Hey FITFam, One of the passions of my life is FITNESS (D’uh lol) I mean, I bleed green, for real. If I am deluded, then I am deeply deeply deluded. However, for most of us into fitness, (or just generally any passion that is external/aesthetic, think fashion, […]

My 30kg weight loss and transformation story (free for you).

I wrote this book around April 2016. This is not a story that I share alot because I don’t want to pressure anybody to thinking they can have this kind of result. If you read the book I share my story, but my story is my story and I want you to read the book. […]

Beyond Aesthetics.

AMP:She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] and makes her arms strong and firm Proverbs 31:17 Hey FitFam, So good to be blogging again. Do you know that losing weight is not for appearance and aesthetics? It’s beyond that. It’s about FUNCTION! It’s about how well your body […]

My top 5 reasons people SELF SABOTAGE their weight loss Journey.

This post was first published in 2020 Hey Fitfam, I am excited about this post because I get to share from my experience as a Coach. I just published a post on where I shared how I had been self-sabotaging my emotions, thanks to feedback. How feedback was sabotaging my emotional health… Now again, […]

New Year, Same Ol’ You?

Hey FitFam, Happy New Year. Welcome to 2022. So this blogpost was originally published in January of 2021 but it’s still so relevant today that I decided to bring it back. Let’s jump right into it. It gets darker and darker for the world, but for us Jesus Girls, our light gets to shine brighter […]

I want my FREE copy of CoachE’s

HOW I LOST 30kg in 4 months.

Updated with 10 lessons for FOREVER  RESULTS